
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|openingDateOctober 10, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateDecember 15, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Government of British Columbia
  • WorkBC


Get up to $20,000/participant to cover the costs of skills training, employment support services, and participant financial support.


This grant provides a structured financing approach to support skills training initiatives in forest sector-impacted communities. It focuses on dynamic allocation to maximize the benefits for participants and communities.
  • Maximum funding per application is $300,000.
  • Each participant can receive up to $20,000 in funding per fiscal year.
  • Eligible expenses include skills training, employment support services, and participant financial supports.
  • Up to 10% of the total project costs may be allocated for project administration.


This grant aims to address the pressing skills training needs of communities affected by issues in the forest sector. The eligible activities are focused on equipping individuals with the necessary skills for sustainable employment.
  • Occupational skills training to enhance employability in affected regions.
  • Employment support services to assist individuals in transitioning to new job opportunities.
  • Financial supports for participants, including childcare, transportation, and training allowances, to facilitate access to training.

$ 95,000

Vocational training for precariously employed women

$ 90,000

Technical training for unemployed individuals

$ 100,000

Enhancing IT skills for part-time workers

$ 60,000

Skill-building workshops for seasonal workers

$ 50,000

Employment support programs for casually employed individuals

$ 80,000

Providing job readiness training for unemployed youth


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and their role within the community impacted by forestry-related economic changes.
  • The applicant must be a non-profit service provider serving rural and remote communities.
  • The applicant can be a First Nation or local government entity.
  • The applicant may be a union certified to represent employees under the B.C. Labour Relations Code.
  • The applicant can be a major employer in a community with a single resource economy.
  • The applicant may also be an industry, sector, or employer association.


Eligible applicants for the Community Response Stream include non-profit service providers serving rural and remote communities, First Nations and local governments, unions certified to represent employees under the B.C. Labour Relations Code, major employers in a community with a single resource economy, and industry, sector, and employer associations. Applicants should carefully refer to the Community Response Stream Criteria for a complete list of eligibility requirements.


There are specific restrictions for companies and industries that cannot apply for this grant, focusing on ensuring alignment with the grant's intended purpose.
  • Companies seeking funding for adult upgrading, English language skills, literacy training, and basic essential skills.
  • Employers intending to use the funds for training new or current employees, which falls under the B.C. Employer Training Grant.


The Community Response Stream addresses immediate skills training needs for communities affected by changes in the forestry sector. Eligible projects focus on enhancing vocational skills and providing support services to facilitate stable employment opportunities.
  • Occupational skills training programs.
  • Provision of employment support services.
  • Financial supports for participants, including childcare, transportation, and training allowances.


This grant is available for communities impacted by downturns in the forest sector, particularly in rural and remote areas. Eligibility criteria emphasize support for these specific community types to address immediate skills training needs.
  • Rural and remote communities affected by forestry-related issues.
  • Communities experiencing mill closures and curtailments.
  • Regions involved in old-growth deferrals and changes in forest management practices.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria include:
  • Alignment with the objectives of the Community Workforce Response Grant
  • The extent to which the project addresses the skills training needs of the community
  • The potential for sustainable employment outcomes for participants
  • Capacity and experience of the applicant to deliver the proposed project
  • Value for money and cost-effectiveness of the project


  • Step 1: Review Eligibility Criteria
    • Ensure that your organization is eligible to apply by reviewing the Community Response Stream Criteria.
  • Step 2: Register on the Grant Portal
    • Create an account on the B.C. grant application portal if you do not already have one.
    • Log in to your account to access the application forms and guidelines.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
    • Complete the detailed application form provided on the portal.
    • Ensure to include project details, objectives, and expected outcomes.
  • Step 4: Attach Required Documents
    • Prepare and attach all necessary documentation, including budgets, timelines, and any required certificates of partnership or collaboration.
  • Step 5: Application Review
    • Review your application for completeness and accuracy.
    • Make sure all fields are correctly filled and all required documents are attached.
  • Step 6: Submit Application
    • Submit your completed application through the online portal before the specified deadline for the intake period.
  • Step 7: Receive Confirmation
    • Receive an automated confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your application.
    • Keep the confirmation number for your records.


  • Community Workforce Response Grants are intended for non-profit organizations serving rural and remote communities, local governments and First Nations, as well as unions certified to represent employees under the British Columbia Labour Relations Code, major employers in a community with a single-resource economy, and industry, sector and employer associations.
  • Activities supported by this program include skills training, employment support services and financial assistance for participants such as childcare, transportation and training allowances.


Community Workforce Response Grant — Community Response Stream

Apply to this program

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