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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Ontario
  • Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI)


Receive between $20,000 and $150,000 to cover up to 50% of the eligible project costs to collaborate with Academia to solve an industry‐based problem and drive the commercialization of Intellectual Property (IP).


The grant supports projects leveraging post-secondary research capabilities to drive commercialization within three years and fosters SME-University or SME-College R&D collaborations.
  • Non-competitive with Ontario private sector capabilities
  • Management and commercialization of Intellectual Property
  • Commercialization potential within three years post-project
  • R&D collaborations with significant regional economic development impacts
  • Include activities like equipment/material costs, overhead, project management, and faculty release
  • Limits on travel expenses for college personnel.


Partnership with McGill University for the commercialization of a new biomedical device.


Collaboration with the University of British Columbia for the development of a biodegradable packaging prototype.


Development of a new agricultural drone in collaboration with the University of Guelph.


Collaborating with Dalhousie University to develop a new marine biofuel prototype.


Partnering with the University of Waterloo to develop advanced cybersecurity tools.


The eligibility criteria for this grant focus on the qualifications of the research partner and the SME project contributor, as well as the specifics of the project.
  • Research partner must be a principal investigator at an Ontario-accredited, publicly funded institution or an applied research officer at an Ontario-accredited, publicly funded college.
  • Adjunct professors may be eligible on a case-by-case basis and must meet specific criteria.
  • The research partner must have an arms-length relationship with the industry partner and be in good financial and reporting standing with OCI.
  • SME project contributor must be a for-profit entity, incorporated in Ontario for at least two years, with a valid Ontario-based CRA business number.
  • The SME must have a minimum of five full-time employees in Ontario and demonstrate the intent and potential to apply the project's results for economic benefit in Ontario.
  • The SME must be developing technology innovation or innovative processes for a competitive advantage and have operations related to the project in Ontario.
  • The project must leverage the unique capabilities of the research environment and the post-secondary research team and be non-competitive with Ontario private sector capabilities.
  • Intellectual Property (IP) arising from the project will be managed by the project participants.
  • All participants must cooperate in providing project outcomes and metrics in required reports.
  • Industry partners should be able to commercialize research results within three years after the project ends.


Yes, there are specific eligibility requirements for companies applying for this grant. Eligible companies must be small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that meet certain criteria.
  • For-profit and incorporated in Ontario for at least two years
  • Has a valid Ontario-based CRA business number
  • Has a minimum of five full-time equivalent (FTE) employees in Ontario
  • Is using or developing technology innovation or innovative processes for competitive advantage in provincial, national, and/or global markets
  • Has operations (production and/or R&D) in Ontario related to the project
  • Has the intent and potential to apply, exploit, and/or commercialize the results of the project for the economic benefit of Ontario
  • Has the necessary expertise and resources to implement the project within an appropriate timeframe
  • Company subsidiaries (organizations with headquarters outside of Ontario) are eligible, provided that the Ontario operations meet all the above criteria
  • In good financial and reporting standing with OCI
  • For details on the OCI lifetime funding limit, please refer to this link



Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.
  • Equipment/material/operating costs
  • Overhead/administration
  • Project management
  • Faculty release costs
  • Travel expenses for college personnel conducting the project


Eligible projects for the Collaborate to Commercialize (C2C) Program must have operations or research activities based in Ontario, Canada.
  • Ontario-accredited, publicly funded universities and research hospitals
  • Ontario-accredited, publicly funded colleges
  • For-profit organizations incorporated in Ontario
  • Subsidiaries of companies with headquarters outside Ontario but with operations in Ontario


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications will be evaluated against specific criteria to ensure alignment with program objectives and to assess the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed project.
  • Significance of the challenge/opportunity to support the company’s business strategy and/or growth.
  • Rationale for the proposed project to address the company-specific problem or opportunity.
  • Clarity and appropriateness of the research and development methodology, objectives, and roles of each partner.
  • Feasibility of the project plan (i.e., milestones, budget, timeframe, project management plan and risks).
  • Appropriateness of the team’s experience, expertise, and resources to perform the proposed project.
  • Clarity of the rationale and plan for collaboration between the research team and company.
  • Clarity and feasibility of the plan to implement and/or commercialize the project results, including management of Intellectual Property emerging from the project, and next steps after the project completion.
  • Adequacy of the company resources and capacity to commercialize the results.
  • Likelihood of economic benefit for the company in Ontario (including job creation/retention, new revenue generation, investment attraction, cost savings, value chain development) within three years of project completion.
  • Overall quality and completeness of the application.


  • Step 1: Connect with OCI Business Development Manager (BDM)
  • Industry Partner should connect with their OCI BDM to start the application process.
  • If new to OCI, the Industry Partner should complete the Program Enquiry Form to be connected with a BDM.
  • Step 2: Initial Vetting and Due Diligence
  • OCI conducts an initial vetting and due diligence assessment to ensure eligibility and suitability.
  • Step 3: Online Application System
  • If selected as eligible and suitable, an auto-generated link to OCI's online application system, AccessOCI, will be sent.
  • Complete the application within 90 days.
  • Step 4: Complete the Application
  • Complete the application form in the AccessOCI portal, jointly between the Industry Partner and the Research Partner.
  • Ensure only eligible expenses are included in the budget.
  • Step 5: Endorsement by Research Office
  • Submit the completed application to the post-secondary institution’s Research Office for endorsement.
  • Step 6: OCI Business Development Manager Final Endorsement
  • The OCI BDM will provide final endorsement and submission for external review.


This grant contains various administrative details and requirements for applicants.
  • The opportunity must undergo an initial vetting and due diligence assessment by OCI.
  • OCI standard Funding Agreement must be signed within 30 days of notification of award.
  • Failure to sign the Funding Agreement may result in project withdrawal.
  • OCI contributions are provided to the post-secondary institution.
  • OCI will release an advance payment equal to 25 percent of the OCI award amount upon project activation.
  • Subsequent payments are made upon submission and approval of progress reports and reimbursement requests.
  • All Industry Partner cash contributions to be spent at the institution must be provided directly to the institution.
  • The holdback of 10 percent of the OCI award will be released upon project completion and approval of final reports.
  • A Retrospective Survey will be sent to the Industry Partner at one, two, and three years after project completion.
  • Material changes to the project must be communicated to the Program Manager as soon as known.


Collaborate 2 Commercialize

Apply to this program