CME’s Technology Investment Program ON Canada

CME’s Technology Investment Program

ON, Canada
The Technology Investment Program provides up to $50,000 in matching contributions to SME manufacturers in Southern Ontario for long-term production assets and technology.


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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME)
  • FedDev Ontario


The Technology Investment Program, funded by FedDev, provides matching contributions of up to $50,000 to support SME manufacturers in Southern Ontario. This grant aims to help businesses invest in long-term production assets and technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and IoT, that increase productivity and reduce emissions. Eligible activities include capital equipment purchase, installation, training on new equipment, and project-related professional service fees and direct labour.


The grant provides funding for investments and implementation of long-term production assets and technology that increase capacity and reduce emissions on production.
  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence and other machine learning applications
  • Advanced networks and the Internet of Things


Implementing AI-driven robotics for streamline manufacturing processes at a local facility.


Upgrading IoT infrastructure to improve data analytics in a local farming cooperative.


Installing smart HVAC systems to lower emissions in a downtown office building.


Integrating machine learning algorithms into existing production lines at a food processing plant.


Niagara Falls
Purchasing and installing automated packaging systems at a local winery.


Deploying an advanced network system to enhance connectivity in a healthcare facility.


To be eligible for this grant, companies must be based in Southern Ontario and meet specific criteria related to their business operations, financial stability, employee count, and more.
  • Must be a manufacturer based in Southern Ontario per the census map.
  • Must be an incorporated business (federally or provincially) for 2 years or more continuously.
  • Must demonstrate financial stability.
  • Must have a minimum of 15 employees and a maximum of 500 full-time employees (FTE) in Southern Ontario.
  • Companies are not required to be a member of CME to be eligible.
  • Not receiving other contributions toward the activities contained in the funding application from other government-funded programs.


Eligible companies for this grant must be manufacturers based in Southern Ontario that meet specific criteria. The requirements include being an incorporated business, demonstrating financial stability, and having a specific range of full-time employees.
  • Must be a manufacturer based in Southern Ontario per the census map
  • Must be an incorporated business (federally or provincially) for 2 years or more continuously
  • Must demonstrate financial stability
  • Must have a minimum of 15 employees and a maximum of 500 full-time employees (FTE) in Southern Ontario
  • Must not be receiving other contributions toward the activities contained in the funding application from other government funded programs


Only manufacturing companies based in Southern Ontario are eligible for this grant. Additionally, there are specific criteria that must be met regarding the number of employees, financial stability, and types of eligible activities.
  • Companies not based in Southern Ontario
  • Companies that have not been incorporated for 2 years or more continuously
  • Companies with fewer than 15 employees or more than 500 employees in Southern Ontario
  • Companies receiving funding from other government-funded programs for the same project activities


The grant has several eligible expenses that can be covered, including project management, direct labour, training on new equipment, and capital equipment costs.
Here is a bullet point list of eligible expenses:
  • Project Management/Consulting fees (excluding travel)
  • Direct labour devoted to the completion and management of the project
  • Direct materials related to the project
  • Training on new equipment related to the project
  • Capital Equipment
  • Installation of capital equipment related to the project


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are defined as Southern Ontario based on the census map.
  • Southern Ontario


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications will be evaluated based on technological advances, environmental impact, market potential, and job creation.
  • Technology investments that aim to improve and modernize the manufacturing process, leading to increased productivity and competitiveness
  • New additions that reduce environmental footprint
  • Commitment to develop export markets, or be part of the value supply chain, or potential to become a strong global player on a regional or global basis
  • Creation of long-term employment and high-value jobs


  • Step 1: Companies must first complete a Technology Investment Program application form.
  • Step 2: Submit a proposed budget with a detailed breakdown of costs. All service provider invoices must clearly outline the services provided.
  • Step 3: CME will review the application and provide feedback on any missing documentation or where clarification is required.
  • Step 4: Upon approval, a CME representative will provide a copy of the Contribution Agreement (contract).
  • Step 5: CME will release 20% of the approved funding to the applicant within 30 business days of the date of the signed contract.
  • Step 6: Complete the approved technology project and ensure all expenses have been paid in full.
  • Step 7: Complete a final report and Expense Claim Form. Provide copies of all invoices, supporting documents, and a final report outlining the implementation of your approved technologies.
  • Step 8: CME will review the final report and expense claim for final eligibility.
  • Step 9: Final payments on approved projects will be processed within 30-60 business days of the approval date.


The program is focused on technology investment to boost competitiveness and environmental sustainability within southern Ontario's manufacturing sector. Funding applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until the available funds are exhausted.
  • Projects must be completed by December 31, 2023, and all reports and expense claims must be submitted by January 15, 2024.
  • Only one project per company will be funded.
  • Companies must not be receiving other contributions toward the activities in the funding application from other government-funded programs.
  • Applications are reviewed within a 45-business day timeframe by CME and Industry Experts.
  • 20% of the approved funding is released within 30 business days of signing the contract, with the final payment processed within 30-60 business days after project completion and approval.

Apply to this program