
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS)


The Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster grant provides funding up to 20% of eligible event expenses for large-scale, high-impact events that draw significant tourism to Ontario. Eligible activities include programming, production costs, media buys targeting tourist markets, and event security services.


  • Eligible to apply for up to a maximum of 20% of eligible Blockbuster event cash operating expenses.
  • The value of in-kind expenses is not included in the determination of Blockbuster event cash operating expenses.
  • Funding will only cover eligible expenses directly related to the delivery of the Blockbuster event.
  • There is no appeal process for unsuccessful applications.
  • All funding decisions are made by the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
  • If funds are not used for the intended purpose, the province has the right to recover parts or all of the funds transferred.


  • Hosting of large-scale, high-impact events defined as Blockbuster events by the ministry.
  • Organizing major one-time national or international events taking place in Ontario.
  • Arranging major events that recur infrequently in Ontario and travel nationally or internationally.

$ 20,000

Upgrade the IT infrastructure in the public library

$ 8,000

Launch a sustainable urban gardening initiative

$ 40,000

Implement a renewable energy system for community center

$ 14,000

Develop a local business mentorship program

$ 12,000

Implement an online booking system for art classes

$ 95,000

Start a craft beer brewery with local ingredients


  • Eligible applicant organizations must be legal entities and have existed for one year or longer as of the date of submission of the application.
  • The applicant must have a Canadian bank account at a Canadian financial institution conducting business in Ontario.
  • The applicant must not be in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario.
  • Eligible applicants include Ontario municipalities with a tourism strategy that includes hosting major events, and for-profit or non-profit organizations that have event management and/or hosting as part of their mandate.
  • The applicant must demonstrate proven organizational ability, technical capacity, and fiscal prudence to successfully host a Blockbuster event.


  • Ontario municipalities that have identified hosting major events as part of their tourism strategy
  • For-profit or non-profit organizations (or groups of organizations) that have event management and/or hosting as part of their mandate


  • Events that are still in the bidding process.
  • Amateur sporting events that are receiving funding under the Ontario Sport Hosting Program.
  • Events that recur in Ontario on an annual or biennial basis.
  • Events that seek to attract only a special interest audience or recruit new members, such as religious or political gatherings and workshops.
  • Trade fairs, events of a primarily commercial nature, including consumer shows, symposia, conventions, meetings and conferences, seminars and clinics.


  • Performance and appearance fees paid to artists, musicians, and other entertainers and presenters, including travel, accommodation, and booking costs.
  • Programming costs, including interactive, experiential and/or accessible programming.
  • Production costs, including audio and visual support such as rental of sound and lighting equipment and rental of event venue.
  • Insurance for artworks specific to a blockbuster exhibit as an eligible production cost.
  • Media buys targeting Ontario audiences residing 40 kilometres or more from the event location.
  • Media buys targeting out-of-province tourists, including broadcast, digital, print, social, and out-of-home advertising space.
  • Event security costs.
  • Accessibility services and improvements to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, specifically related to programming for the Blockbuster event.


  • Ontario, Canada


  • Organizational Capacity and Financial Statements: 20%
  • Event Information and Alignment with Program Objectives & Priorities: 30% (Includes Event Cash Budget, Marketing Plan, Economic Impact Report)
  • Full Marketing Plan, including Tourism Marketing Plan: 10%
  • Partnerships: 10%
  • Impact: Performance Measures and Tracking of Results: 25%
  • Event Budget: 5%
  • Additional points for rural or northern events, or events that take place over the non-peak season: 5 points are allocated.


  • Step 1: Preliminary Steps and Consultation
  • Read the Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster Application Guide thoroughly.
  • Consult with the Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster Program Lead or a Regional Tourism Advisor to discuss your event proposal.
  • Step 2: Accessing the Application Platform
  • Create or access your ONe-key account to gain secure entry to the Government of Ontario system.
  • Step 3: Prepare and Gather Required Documents
  • Complete the Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster Application Form, ensuring it is electronically signed and dated.
  • Attach incorporation documents for your organization in the Transfer Payment Ontario System (if not already submitted).
  • Prepare the most recent audited financial statements by a Chartered Public Accountant.
  • Develop an economic assessment report estimating the event's economic impact using TREIM or a third-party impact report.
  • Draft a detailed Marketing Plan that aligns with projected event attendance numbers.
  • Step 4: Submit the Application
  • Submit the complete application via the Transfer Payment Ontario System at least four months prior to the event date.
  • Ensure that all mandatory documents are uploaded.
  • Verify successful submission by checking for an email confirmation within 24 hours of submission.
  • Step 5: Follow-up and Additional Information
  • Contact Transfer Payment Client Service if the confirmation of submission is not received.
  • Be prepared to provide additional information if requested by the ministry before the application is evaluated.


  • PDF forms must be accessed and filled using the latest version of Adobe Reader to ensure functionality.
  • The application process involves creating or accessing a "ONe-key" account for secure access within the Government of Ontario system.
  • Applications must be submitted at least four months prior to the proposed event start date.
  • All successful applicants are required to have $2 million in commercial general liability insurance during the validity period of the grant agreement.
  • The Ministry expects grant recipients to comply with all applicable laws, including the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  • Acknowledge Ontario's support in event-related media as per ministry directives.
  • Grant recipients may be subject to audits by the province to ensure accuracy of information and proper use of funds.
  • No appeal process is available for unsuccessful applicants.

Apply to this program

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