Agriculture Wildlife Program
BC, Canada
Wildlife damage compensation for British Columbia farmers
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- grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Government of British Columbia
- Ministry of Agriculture
Farmers can apply for compensation for damages caused by bison, bears, cranes, deer, elk, moose, mountain sheep and waterfowl.
The Agriculture Wildlife Program provides financial compensation modalities to support agriculture producers who incur losses caused by specific wildlife. These financing modalities are designed to ensure producers can recover some of the losses associated with wildlife damages.
- Compensation is provided for damages incurred by wildlife such as bison, bear, cranes, deer, elk, moose, mountain sheep, and waterfowl.
- Payments are contingent upon the producer's ability to demonstrate compliance with crop loss prevention best management practices and to provide necessary documentation, such as BC Assessment Farm Status and tax reporting numbers.
- While crop insurance is not mandatory, those opting for crop insurance will be automatically enrolled in the program, potentially influencing compensation structure.
The Agriculture Wildlife Program provides compensation for agriculture producers who experience crop damage due to specific wildlife not held in captivity. It aims to alleviate the financial burden of wildlife impact on agricultural operations by offering support for different types of crop losses.
- Compensation for damage to standing forage caused by wildlife.
- Compensation for damage to standing grain from wildlife interaction.
- Compensation for situations involving the separation of excreta affecting crop quality.
$ 12,000
Implementing bird netting to protect crops from waterfowl
$ 20,500
Building a protective barrier to prevent elk from grazing on crops
$ 22,000
Implementing electric fencing to prevent crop loss from deer intrusion
$ 9,500
Installing noise cannons to deter cranes from farmland
$ 4,000
Documenting BC Assessment Farm Status for expanded leased properties
$ 21,500
Purchase of bear-proof grain bins to reduce crop losses
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to agricultural producers and their practices.
- Agriculture producers must provide proof of BC Assessment Farm Status.
- Applicants must confirm private land ownership and/or provide lease confirmation along with a tax reporting number for any potential payments.
- Compensation may be restricted to those following best management practices in crop loss prevention.
The Agriculture Wildlife Program is designed for agriculture producers who face losses due to wildlife damage to harvested and unharvested crops. To be eligible, producers must demonstrate adherence to best management practices in crop loss prevention and provide necessary documentation such as BC Assessment Farm Status and proof of land ownership or lease with a corresponding tax reporting number. Although having crop insurance is not mandatory, those who purchase it are automatically enrolled in the program. Losses are considered from wildlife not held in captivity, including bison, bear, cranes, deer, elk, moose, mountain sheep, and waterfowl.
The Agriculture Wildlife Program offers compensation to agriculture producers for wildlife-related damage to certain crops. The program specifically covers losses caused by several wildlife species, provided the producers follow best management practices.
- Compensation for damage to harvested and unharvested crops due to bison, bear, cranes, deer, elk, moose, mountain sheep, and waterfowl.
This grant is managed by the authorities in British Columbia and is likely geared towards agricultural producers in this province. However, there is no explicit information provided about specific eligible geographical areas for applicants.
There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Agriculture Wildlife Program grant:
- Proof of BC Assessment Farm Status
- Private land ownership and/or lease confirmation along with a tax reporting number for any potential payments
Here are the steps to apply for the Agriculture Wildlife Program:
- Step 1: Check Eligibility
- Confirm that you follow best management practices in crop loss prevention.
- Ensure you have proof of BC Assessment Farm Status.
- Verify private land ownership or lease agreements, and have a tax reporting number available.
- Step 2: Contact Local Office
- Reach out to your local office using the contact information provided to inquire about the application process and any specific regional requirements.
- Step 3: Gathering Documentation
- Collect necessary documentation including farm status verification and proof of land ownership or lease agreements.
- Step 4: Enrollment in Program
- If you have production insurance, you are automatically enrolled. If not, proceed to enroll in the Agriculture Wildlife Program through your local office.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- While purchasing crop insurance is encouraged, enrollment in the Agriculture Wildlife Program is automatic if crop insurance is purchased.
- Local contacts are available for various regions, providing assistance and further information regarding the program.
- There is a specific contact for predator compensation related to livestock attacks.
- The B.C. Public Service acknowledges Indigenous Peoples' territories, implying consideration of Indigenous rights and cultures in program administration.
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