
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • ACCLR Info entrepreneurs


Is your business located in a region covered by the area codes 514, 438, 450, 579, 819 or 873? If so, take advantage of expert services to find the programs, organizations, market data and business lists needed to carry out your projects at all stages of


There are no specific projects or activities mentioned for this grant.


Utilizing expert services for financial planning in Trois-Rivières.


Conducting in-depth competitor analysis for business development in Drummondville.


Procuring updated business directories for networking in Rimouski.


Hiring expert consultants for market expansion strategy in Saguenay.


Updating business directory listings for a local NPO in Gatineau.


The eligibility criteria for this grant specify certain geographic areas for which businesses are eligible to receive expert services and market data.
  • Business must be located in regions covered by the 514, 438, 450, 579, 819, or 873 area codes.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant.
The grant is available to businesses located in the regions covered by area codes 514, 438, 450, 579, 819, or 873. These companies can access expert services to find relevant programs, organizations, market data, and business lists necessary for their operations.
  • Companies located in the regions with area codes 514, 438, 450, 579, 819, or 873
  • Businesses seeking expert consultation for finding suitable programs and aid
  • Organizations needing market data to enhance their operations
  • Enterprises looking for business lists and connections within the specified regions


There are eligible expenses for this grant that can be claimed by businesses. Below is a list of eligible expenses:
  • Expert consultation services
  • Market data acquisition
  • Business directory listings


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are areas covered by the following area codes:
  • 514
  • 438
  • 450
  • 579
  • 819
  • 873


  • Step 1: Determine Eligibility: Confirm that your business is located in a region covered by the area codes 514, 438, 450, 579, 819, or 873.
  • Step 2: Gather Necessary Information: Collect all required documents, including market data, business lists, and details about relevant organizations and programs.
  • Step 3: Consult Experts: Engage with expert services to assist in finding appropriate programs, organizations, and market data relevant for your business.
  • Step 4: Complete Application Forms: Fill out all the required forms provided by the grant program thoroughly and accurately.
  • Step 5: Submit Application: Submit your completed application along with all required supporting documents before the deadline.
  • Step 6: Follow-up: Regularly check the status of your application and be prepared to provide additional information or clarification if requested by the grant program administrators.
  • Step 7: Utilize Support Services: Once approved, make use of any provided expert services and resources to maximize the success of your business project in the west region of Quebec.


ACCLR Info entrepreneurs — Business services

Apply to this program