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Expert Advice
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • ventureLAB


Get 6 months of expert help to accelerate your company's growth, optimize your sales and marketing process, access investment capital and build sustainability once you have launched your product.


Projects and activities eligible for the Accelerated Growth Program include scaling technology startups in specific fields.
  • Hardware development
  • Enterprise software solutions
  • Artificial intelligence solutions
  • Innovative technology solutions


Boosting AI-driven logistics software from beta to market-ready stage in Vancouver.


Developing a SaaS platform for online education in Toronto, moving from beta to full launch.


Scaling a smart home hardware startup from prototype to mass production in Montréal.


Expanding a fintech SaaS platform for small businesses across Canada from Calgary.


Launching a smart agriculture solution for Canadian farmers in Ottawa.


Scaling a medical technology startup from pilot to national distribution in Halifax.


The eligibility criteria for the Accelerated Growth Program are designed to support Canadian technology startups looking to scale. These criteria ensure that applying companies have valid potential for growth in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions, or innovative tech solutions.
  • Technology startup looking to scale in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions or innovative tech solutions
  • Preferably has proof of concept with the first customer(s) or are in a Beta test with potential customers
  • Incorporated in Canada


Yes, there are specific types of companies that are eligible for the Accelerated Growth Program. These companies must be technology startups looking to scale in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions, or other innovative tech solutions. They should preferably have proof of concept with the first customer(s) or be in a Beta test with potential customers and be incorporated in Canada.
  • Technology startups in hardware
  • Technology startups in enterprise software
  • Technology startups in AI solutions
  • Other innovative tech solutions
  • Companies with proof of concept or in Beta testing
  • Companies incorporated in Canada


  • Technology startup not looking to scale in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions or innovative tech solution
  • Does not have a proof of concept with the first customer(s) or are not in a Beta test with potential customers
  • Not incorporated in Canada


  • Technology startup looking to scale in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions or innovative tech solution
  • Preferably has proof of concept with the first customer(s) or are in a Beta test with potential customers
  • Incorporated in Canada


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Canada.
  • Incorporated in Canada


The evaluation and selection process for the Accelerated Growth Program is designed to assess the suitability and potential of technology startups in hardware, enterprise software, AI solutions, or innovative tech solutions. The process includes joining the ventureLAB community, attending an info session, an initial evaluation, presentation to a review panel, and notification of status within six weeks.
  • Join the ventureLAB community by submitting an application on the “Join Us” page.
  • Register to attend a virtual or in-person Info Session and speak one-on-one with a dedicated advisor to determine your suitability for the program.
  • After the initial evaluation, successful candidates will be invited to present to a review panel for further consideration.
  • All candidates will be notified of their status within six weeks of their review panel.
  • Successful candidates will participate in the Accelerated Growth Program for three to six months.


  • Step 1: Join the ventureLAB™ community by submitting an application on the “Join Us” page
  • Step 2: Register to attend a virtual or in-person Info Session and speak 1-on-1 with a dedicated advisor to determine your suitability for the program
  • Step 3: After the initial evaluation, ventureLAB will invite successful candidates to present to a review panel for further consideration
  • Step 4: All candidates will be notified of their status within six weeks of their review panel
  • Step 5: Successful candidates will participate in the Accelerated Growth Program for three to six months


The Accelerated Growth Program by ventureLAB provides extensive resources, mentorship, and discounted access to innovation spaces tailored for tech startups in hardware, enterprise software, and AI solutions.
  • Advisory Support includes up to 15 hours of guidance from dedicated Advisors.
  • Executives in Residence offer specialized support tailored to unique business challenges.
  • Access to a vast Partner Network of Innovation Experts and Academic partners.
  • Discounted 50% off Innovation Space Hub Membership for collaborative workspaces and a professional mailing address.
  • Perks platform with over 300 discounts and credits for essential tools and resources.
  • Comprehensive review and support for Intellectual Property (IP) strategy.
  • Application process involves joining the ventureLAB™ community, attending an Info Session, and presenting to a review panel.
  • Eligibility criteria include being a technology startup in hardware, enterprise software, AI, or innovative tech solution, having proof of concept or Beta test with potential customers, and being incorporated in Canada.


Accelerated Growth Program


Apply to this program