Young Entrepreneur Podcast: Guillaume Bareil From Clients à Volonté
By helloDarwin
July 7, 2024

Young Entrepreneur Podcast: Guillaume Bareil From Clients à Volonté

The journey of a young entrepreneur can greatly benefit from the advice of those who have already come a long way in this career path. With that in mind, Guillaume Bareil, a self-appointed "customer multiplier", author of the digital book Clients à volonté, administrator of the Mastermind Clients à volonté Facebook group and co-creator of machineaclients decided to share the fruits of his experience during a very fun podcast.


Focusing your services and becoming a specialist

Trying to cast a wide net may appear to be the ideal option when trying to reach a large number of customers, yet this is not the case. But why?

To answer this question, Guillaume Bareil begins by telling us that the best way to excel in a field is to devote oneself to it completely. In order to become a specialist, one must be willing to put a lot of time and effort into this one area.

This role as a specialist is also essential in order to become irreplaceable in the eyes of your customers and in doing so, you will become a reference of choice due to your expertise.

Of course, it is possible to acquire a lot of knowledge on your one by devoting enough time. Nevertheless, Mr. Bareil points out that the help of professionals proves to be very useful for obtaining precise tips about certain subjects, as well as for having a reliable opinion capable of validating specific information.

Since this type of expertise is not limited to our borders, attending one or more courses abroad is a great way to consolidate your knowledge. In addition, it often offers another perspective on certain issues and broadens one's horizons.

Creating a simple conversion system

Since their main goal is to help turn prospects into customers, conversion systems are often the first aspects to think about when developing an e-commerce site. The main idea that comes to mind in this regard is the need to develop a complicated conversion system, as we naturally tend to think that a system with a higher degree of complexity will automatically yield better results.

Addressing this issue from a new angle, Guillaume Bareil tends to point out that a complicated system will be equally as hard to understand for someone who is new to the field of web marketing.

Since all things are learned over time and mastering a field can only be achieved through experience, he is of the opinion that it is better to start by creating a simple conversion system and to gradually make it more complicated. From one thread to another, the system's gaps and imperfections will appear. With the resulting feedback, it will be possible to determine the guidelines for refining the system.

Offering change

Anytime someone does business with a company, they do so with the goal of initiating a form of change, whether it is to find an answer to a specific problem or to achieve a particular goal. In order for you to meet one or the other of these expectations, Guillaume Bareil puts forward the fact that your offer must clearly illustrate its potential for transformation.

Presenting an honest offer that suggests a striking transformation between the initial state in which the customer was and the one they aspire to is, in his opinion, a guarantee of success for your company.

Following this thought process, let's say that your future customers will be looking for tangible results. Therefore, they will not appreciate abstract proposals that do not give them a clear idea of what their money will be spent on.

Charging the right price

It is a common belief that you have to offer the lowest possible price. However, not all entrepreneurs are of this opinion. The first reason for wanting to do this would obviously be to reap more profits. Although this is the most obvious motive, others are also worth considering.

From the outset and following the idea of reaping more profits, Guillaume Bareil recalls that increasing the funds available to the company makes it possible to set up more refined and complete service offerings. in order to better fulfil customer needs.

Secondly, he mentions that the success of a project depends in part on the client's involvement. Although they are not in charge of the project, they must still show their commitment by providing certain documents and availability to take part in some appointments. A client who will invest more money in his process necessarily has more to lose in the abandonment of the project.

Moreover, any entrepreneur who does not want to waste their time and needs to evaluate which of these potential customers wants to engage in a long-term approach, the investment that the customer is willing to make can prove to be a good indicator.

Determining the customer cost acquisition 

One of the most important aspects of having a successful business is being able to accurately determine the costs associated with acquiring customers. Being able to anticipate the potential profit of a lead makes it possible to determine the budget that must be invested in the process of global customer acquisition. In short, Mr. Bareil mentions with great confidence that identifying how much to invest in order to convert a customer, and with a small margin of error, makes it possible to optimize the profitability rate to the maximum.

Calling on the wisdom of a mentor

To progress while on a personal journey of entrepreneurship is to be confronted with new situations that leave us confused and undecided. In order to get sound advice aimed at limiting bad decisions, Mr. Bareil greatly appreciated being able to benefit from the advice of a mentor.

Why is that? The answer to this question is simple: a mentor can use examples from their own experience and mistakes that have marked their own journey to guide you in the right direction. Their experience is concrete, and therefore, any advice they share can only be useful because they are closely related to reality.

Being able to talk with someone whose ambitions are similar to yours allows you to better rationalize your experience and not feel that you are the only one meeting obstacles.

Are you looking to learn more? Here is the full episode of the helloDarwin where we speak with Guillaume Bareil (in French only) : 

Do you like to learn about young entrepreneurs and their career paths? Check out the Podcast and collaborations category to discover inspiring stories from people that have been very successful, including the helloDarwin founders. 

About the interviewer: 

This episode of the helloDarwin podcast was prepared and hosted by Olivier Lambert of Tactik Media. Working in the field of web marketing and business development, he is the co-founder of Tactik Media and LeadLion. As a small business specialist, he is always looking out for new tools and technologies that relate to the internet.

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