Comment augmenter le CTR de vos infolettres?
By Sotheary Chan
April 9, 2024

Comment augmenter le CTR de vos infolettres?

The newsletter is a widely used promotional tool in marketing to inform people about a company's activities. It can be informative, present promotions or products. In short, it's a tool for informing people and also helps drive traffic to your website. To do this, you need to place links in the newsletter. Then, you need to analyze the newsletter opening rate and the click-through rate to see if you are getting good results.

What is CTR?

CTR, Click-through Rate, is a factor for measuring the performance of online advertising. It calculates the number of clicks on a display or a link leading to a webpage. In this article, we will focus on the number of clicks on links placed in a newsletter.
CTR is related to the display, but also to keywords. As we discussed in another article on SEO, keywords help with organic positioning in search engines. A high CTR also indicates their effectiveness, as it is related to the words entered in search engines by users.
The click-through rate is often low compared to the open rate of a newsletter, which is higher. The low CTR may be caused by the person's lack of interest. However, if the content interests them or they want to know more, there's a higher chance they will click on the link. In the case of a newsletter, people will open it either to read it or glance through, and they may not see the link.
To understand how the calculation is done, here's the formula:
Number of link clicks / number of impressions = CTR.
Here is a bracket of the average newsletter open rate and click-through rate.
Average newsletter open rate: 25% and 45%
Average click-through rate: 2% and 5%
According to data: The click-through rate varies depending on the sector in which your company operates. For example, for a company offering services to consumers:
Average newsletter open rate: 25.5%
Average click-through rate: 4.7%
According to data: Example of a dashboard for click-through rates and newsletter open rates of a company's newsletter
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How to increase CTR in your newsletters?

Here are some ways to increase the click-through rate. However, several parameters also need to be considered.
Bounces, what to do?
Check the reasons for the bounces of your newsletters to correct them. This way, the open rate can be higher. You can read our articles on this topic; you will find some leads for your consideration and ways to reduce bounces.
Organize the text
Structure your text to be attractive, with beautiful images, and easy to read across different platforms. Try to place relevant information at the top to spark the reader's interest. People tend to read information at the top of the page and will continue reading if the content interests them.
Interesting content
Select content that will interest your readers. You can also group several topics in the email. This way, the client can choose between different links that may interest them. Of course, always stick to topics related to the newsletter subject.
Create a sense of urgency
For a contest or a sale, you could have information that creates a sense of urgency for your reader. So, there would be a higher chance they would click the button to view the offer. You could also intensify the sense of urgency to indicate the remaining time for the promotion. It's an effective way to interact with your reader.
Place an extension at the end of the newsletter
You could also add a comment section towards the end of your newsletter. It will increase the readers' trust when positive reviews are shared. However, this also requires managing questions or negative comments. Including a dynamic call-to-action can help increase SEO.
The newsletter is a rich tool that can be very effective when done well. To give you ideas for your own newsletter, we have compiled examples of well-designed emails in our article 9 newsletter examples worth checking out.
Related Tags
Email Marketing


Sotheary Chan

Sotheary Chan

Blogger at helloDarwin

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