Optimize your online presence with CDAP and helloDarwin

Benefit from the Canadian Digital Adoption Program

Start your digital transformation! Let one of our experts present you the government grant and what you can gain from it.
propulsion with helloDarwin

Here's how helloDarwin helps businesses grow with CDAP

The digital transformation plan

With the help of helloDarwin's digital consultants, create a complete plan to achieve your digital objectives.

The grant

CDAP subsidizes 90% of the digital transformation plan with a grant up to $15,000.

The BDC loan

The Canada Digital Adoption Program gives access to a 0% interest loans between $25,000 and $100,000.

CDAP in numbers

$15 000 available in grants

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program helps you by subsidizing 90% of you digital transformation plan with the allocation of grants up to $15 000.

0% interest free loan

When participating in the second stream of CDAP, Improve your Company's Technology, you have access to an interest free loan of up to $100 000 from the BDC.

Boost your online presence now.


360 Diagnosis

To get started, we'll conduct a complete audit of your company's entire digital presence. Our digital consultants will analyze your data and your current situation in terms of marketing, website, positioning and more.

Action plan

Following the 360° diagnosis, a precise action plan will be put in place to guide your digital journey. Based on our consultants' analysis, and your company's capabilities and objectives, we'll define the projects you're considering, along with their timelines and potential costs and benefits.


Once the complete action plan has been determined, our consultants will help you implement it. Digital projects will be put into action with the help of 4 personalized follow-ups, support in your search for different suppliers or software and in putting together your application for the CDAP grant.
Schedule your call today!

Frequently asked questions on the Canadian Digital Adoption Program

Learn more about CDAP, the grant amounts, how to apply, how the BDC loan works and more in this Q&A about the Canadian Digital Adoption Program.

What is CDAP?

Am I eligible for CDAP?

How does the BDC loan work?

How to apply for CDAP?

What does the digital adoption plan contain?

What are the advantages of CDAP?

What is the deadline for CDAP?