Tourism Growth Program in British Columbia BC Canada

Tourism Growth Program in British Columbia

BC, Canada
The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) provides funding to support the growth and development of tourism projects in British Columbia.


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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Pacific Economic Development Canada


The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) in British Columbia aims to assist small and medium-sized businesses, tourism organizations, and communities in developing tourism products and experiences that enhance Canada's attractiveness as a destination. Eligible activities include improving and creating innovative tourism offerings, supporting marketing and promotion, and developing sustainable tourism plans. Preference is given to projects with high impact, lasting benefits, and strong community alignment.


Eligible projects for the Tourism Growth Program must be incremental to the applicant’s existing activities and align with at least one of the six program priorities.
  • Helping operators to improve and/or create innovative tourism offerings attractive to domestic and international visitors
  • Supporting digitization, automation, or technology integration investments that enhance SME productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness
  • Supporting businesses with promoting tourism products, including digital and virtual reality experiences
  • Extending the tourism season by assisting tourism SMEs in the development and delivery of shoulder season products
  • Developing capacity for more inclusive tourism experiences, such as enhancing accessibility of tourism assets and staff training for welcoming diverse clientele
  • Developing and/or implementing sustainable tourism plans in communities based on research and market analysis
  • Supporting destinations to implement tourism plans that create or improve local assets, facilities, and planning for key infrastructure, including trails


Promoting eco-tourism in Victoria with a sustainable whale watching tour.


Developing an immersive digital tour of Stanley Park in Vancouver.


Creating an accessible hiking trail in Whistler to enhance inclusive tourism.


Implementing a shoulder season wine tour program in Kelowna.


Designing a new cultural heritage museum in Ottawa to attract diverse visitors.


Quebec City
Enhancing digital marketing for a new virtual reality tour in Quebec City.


The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) is open to businesses and not-for-profit organizations with a set of specific criteria that they must meet. Below are the detailed eligibility criteria for applicants.
  • All eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
  • For Businesses:
  • Must be financially viable businesses, operating for a minimum of two years in British Columbia.
  • Restaurants, accommodation, and retail are not normally eligible (exceptions can be made for restaurants or accommodations that are an anchor for a tourism community).
  • Indigenous applicants:
  • Indigenous-owned businesses (including sole proprietors) or Indigenous organizations.
  • Incorporated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and organizations).
  • Post-secondary institutions.
  • Governments (municipal/provincial and related entities).


The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) in British Columbia is open to certain types of businesses and not-for-profit organizations. Eligible entities must be capable of entering into legally binding agreements and meet specific criteria.
  • Incorporated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and organizations)
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Indigenous-owned businesses (including sole proprietors) or Indigenous organizations
  • Governments (municipal/provincial and related entities)


The Tourism Growth Program specifies that certain types of companies are generally not eligible for this grant, with some exceptions noted for specific circumstances.
  • Restaurants
  • Accommodation businesses
  • Retail businesses


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.
  • Infrastructure upgrades, such as trail development and leasehold improvements
  • Costs incurred in designing new or improved tourism products and services
  • Purchase and/or rental of machinery and equipment directly related to the authorized project
  • Professional services (project implementation, design and engineering services)
  • Costs related to community engagement and planning such as facilitation and rental of meeting space
  • Marketing costs associated with a larger project (e.g., design, promotional materials, advertising, digital media content, products demonstrations, participation at trade shows, website development, design, and improvement)
  • Acquisition of new technology that will improve performance and productivity


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Indigenous-owned businesses or Indigenous organizations
  • Municipal/provincial governments and related entities


Applications for the Tourism Growth Program will be evaluated on their ability to achieve its objectives and demonstrate specific criteria, primarily focusing on their high impact, lasting impact, community alignment, and strong leverage.
  • High impact
  • Lasting impact
  • Community alignment
  • Strong leverage


  • Step 1: Verify Eligibility
  • Ensure your business or organization meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Confirm that you are a legal entity capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
  • Ensure your business has been operating for at least two years in British Columbia.
  • Determine if your project activities align with the program priorities.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documentation
  • Prepare financial statements for the past two years, including the most current.
  • Compile interim financial statements for the past six months.
  • Create a detailed budget for your project.
  • Obtain evidence of other funding sources, such as letters of confirmation, signed agreements, and financial/bank statements.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the TGP Application Form carefully with all necessary details about your project.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Ensure the application is fully completed and that all required documents are attached.
  • Submit the application through the designated portal before the deadline.
  • Step 5: Await Assessment
  • Your application will be assessed based on its ability to achieve the TGP objectives.
  • PacifiCan may contact you for additional documentation or information.
  • Step 6: Reporting and Project Funding
  • If approved, sign a standard Contribution Agreement with PacifiCan.
  • Submit periodic progress reports and claims for reimbursement as outlined in the agreement.
  • Step 7: Project Completion
  • Ensure all project activities and costs are completed by March 31, 2026.


The Government of Canada’s Tourism Growth Program (TGP) aims to foster the development of tourism products and experiences by providing targeted funding over three years through regional development agencies, including PacifiCan.
  • The TGP program is now closed for new applications, and the assessment of submitted applications is in progress.
  • The program includes both repayable contributions for businesses and non-repayable contributions for not-for-profit organizations.
  • Preference is given to high-impact projects with lasting benefits, strong community alignment, and significant leverage.
  • Eligible projects must be completed by March 31, 2026.
  • Recipients must sign a Contribution Agreement with PacifiCan and provide periodic progress reports.
  • Eligible costs can be retroactive up to 12 months prior to the application date, but not earlier than March 29, 2023.
  • All non-PacifiCan sources of project funding must be confirmed at the time of application.
  • Contact information: 604-666-6256 or 1-888-338-9378 (toll-free), email:, mailing address: 1300-300 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC V6B 6B4.


Apply to this program