Toronto Main Street Innovation Fund ON Canada

Toronto Main Street Innovation Fund

Toronto, ON, Canada
The Main Street Innovation Fund supports Toronto's business recovery through grants for innovative community projects.


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Grant and Funding
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  • Government of Canada
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FEDDEV)
  • City of Toronto


The Main Street Innovation Fund in Toronto provides grants to Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and not-for-profit organizations to support innovative and creative solutions addressing main street business challenges. The program aims to enhance main street vibrancy through activities such as community placemaking, main street activations, and technology improvements, offering grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 for eligible projects.


Yes, there are several projects and activities eligible for this grant:
  • Main street activations
  • Community placemaking
  • Community planning and policy making
  • Technology improvements


The Main Street Innovation Fund is available to Toronto Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and not-for-profit organizations with strong local business involvement. For-profit businesses, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, are not eligible to apply.
  • Toronto BIAs
  • Not-for-profit organizations including Business Associations and Registered Charities with strong local business involvement


For-profit businesses are not eligible for the Main Street Innovation Fund grant.
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Corporations


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is exclusively within the city of Toronto.
  • Projects must be located within Toronto.
  • Projects located outside of Toronto are not eligible.


The Main Street Innovation Fund evaluates applications based on their potential to encourage innovation, support new projects within Toronto's main street business community, and showcase scalable solutions to local challenges.
  • Encouragement of innovation within the main street business model
  • Support for new projects within Toronto’s main street business community
  • Expansion of community improvement strategies available to Toronto’s main street business community
  • Showcase of innovative, scalable solutions to challenges faced by Toronto’s main street business community
  • Potential to pilot highly creative and exceptional projects in the city of Toronto
  • Contribution of a minimum of $100,000 towards the total project cost for Legacy Projects
  • Significant contribution to the main street business recovery of the proposed location for Legacy Projects


The Main Street Innovation Fund in Toronto finances innovative solutions to revitalize local businesses and supports projects through significant grants.
  • Managed by the City of Toronto and funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.
  • Aims to boost main street business vibrancy through various community projects.
  • Offers grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 for eligible projects.
  • Currently, applications are closed, and updates are provided via the BusinessTO newsletter.
  • Eligible applicants include Toronto's BIAs and not-for-profit organizations with strong business community links.
  • For-profit businesses are not eligible to apply.

Apply to this program