
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJune 15, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateApril 1, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Investissement Québec (IQ)


Funding for projects involving the innovation of new products or processes, or the significant improvement of an existing product or process. To benefit from this program, projects must be carried out by a group of at least two entities.


This grant provides a structured financial support model tailored to innovation projects, offering different levels of contribution based on specific criteria.
  • The financial assistance is a non-repayable contribution with support ranging from 30% to 50% of eligible expenses.
  • Projects by a single enterprise and collaborative projects are subjected to different maximum contribution limits, with individual projects capped at $100,000 and collaborative projects up to $350,000.
  • The maximum cumulative governmental aid a project can receive is between 50% and 75% depending on the project's nature.
  • A total grant cap of $500,000 is applied per enterprise throughout the program's duration from March 16, 2022, to March 31, 2024.
  • Cash contributions from private sources must constitute at least 25% of the eligible expenses, with a reduced rate of 20% for social economy enterprises.
  • Financial stacking from government sources is limited, considering both direct and indirect aids, including tax credits and loan guarantees, which must be notified if any additional aid is received.
  • The financial aid cannot overlap with support from other programs of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation or Investissement Québec.
  • A project cannot exceed five years in duration, with a preference for those less than three years.


This grant supports innovation projects aimed at developing new products or processes, and significantly improving existing ones. Eligible activities span from the planning phase to technology showcase, facilitating commercialization and increasing competitiveness.
  • Conducting preliminary studies and necessary planning: project setup with partners, execution plans meeting technical specifications, international specialist guidance, detailed market and technical-financial studies.
  • Concept validation activities.
  • Development or enhancement of products or processes, including design, engineering, and prototyping.
  • Product or process testing and validation, encompassing prototype trials, pilot production tests, and demonstrations in controlled settings such as laboratories.
  • Preparing a commercialization plan and planning for quantification and verification stages to obtain certification or approval, including intellectual property protection costs.
  • Real-world operation or usage demonstration to scale up or complete product or process development or enhancement.
  • Technology showcases demonstrating the product or process in real-world operations with a partner (public or private, in Canada or internationally), under specified conditions ensuring readiness for commercialization.

$ 400,000

Development of an eco-friendly packaging solution for perishable goods

$ 430,000

Development of a new bio-degradable plastic derived from agricultural waste

$ 425,000

Improvement of renewable energy storage systems for households

$ 300,000

Innovative app development for mental health monitoring

$ 450,000

Innovating a wearable device for real-time diabetic monitoring

$ 450,000

Creation of a new educational platform for virtual classrooms


To be eligible for this grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • The applicant must be an enterprise or a group of enterprises from any sector, legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada, with an operational establishment in Quebec.
  • The enterprise must be involved in producing goods, services, or conducting internal research and development activities in Quebec.
  • Social economy enterprises as defined by the Social Economy Act (RLRQ, chapter E-1.1.1) are eligible.
  • The applicant must not be listed in the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA), nor can any subcontractor involved in the project be registered there.
  • The applicant must not have defaulted on previous financial obligations with the Ministry of Economy and Innovation or Investissement Québec in the two years preceding the grant application, after having been duly notified.
  • The applicant must not be a government entity or controlled by a government (municipal, provincial, or federal), municipal entity, or state-owned enterprise.
  • The enterprise must not be under protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • The company must not be a holding company.
  • The enterprise should not have ethical behaviors likely to tarnish the image and integrity of the Quebec government.
  • Activities related to the production or distribution of weapons, fossil fuel exploration or extraction, certain gambling, violent games, combat sports, sexual exploitation, and prohibited substances are not eligible.


This grant is aimed at supporting innovation projects by legally constituted enterprises or groups of enterprises in all sectors of activity, as well as social economy enterprises, that have an establishment operating in Quebec.
  • Enterprises or groups of enterprises legally constituted under Quebec or Canadian laws with an active establishment in Quebec.
  • Social economy enterprises as defined under the Act on the Social Economy (RLRQ, chapter E-1.1.1).
  • Entities not registered in the Register of enterprises not eligible for public contracts (RENA).
  • Entities who have fulfilled their previous financial obligations towards the Ministry of Economy and Innovation or Investissement Québec within the last two years.
  • Enterprises that are not state-owned or controlled by any government entities.
  • Enterprises that are not under bankruptcy protection or are not holding companies.
  • Enterprises or projects that do not adversely impact the ethical image of the Quebec government.
  • Enterprises whose business activities do not include prohibited sectors such as arms, fossil fuel production (unless for transitioning purposes), gambling, erotic services, or similar areas.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions aim to ensure the integrity and appropriate allocation of funds for innovation projects.
  • Companies listed on the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics (RENA).
  • Organizations that failed to meet their obligations from previous financial aids within the past two years.
  • State-owned enterprises or those directly/indirectly controlled by a government entity.
  • Companies under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Holding companies.
  • Companies with ethical issues that could harm the image of the Quebec government.
  • Businesses involved in arms production or distribution.
  • Entities associated with fossil fuel activities, except those working towards a low-carbon transition.
  • Businesses related to gambling, violent games, or combat sports involving living beings.
  • Companies in the sexual exploitation business.
  • Entities focusing on tobacco or drugs, except those related to cannabis and industrial hemp.
  • Projects or activities primarily based on religion, politics, or advocacy protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


The grant supports innovative projects across different phases, focusing on the development and commercialization of products or processes. The activities aim to ensure successful implementation while overcoming technological and business challenges.
  • Conducting preliminary activities and studies essential for planning and executing the project, such as project setup with partners and market or technical studies.
  • Validation of the concept to ensure feasibility and alignment with project goals.
  • Development or improvement of a product or process through design, engineering, and prototyping.
  • Testing and validating the product or process through prototype testing, pilot production trials, and laboratory demonstrations.
  • Developing a commercialization plan and preparing for certification or homologation.
  • Demonstrating the product or process in real operational situations outside of laboratories to scale up and finalize development.
  • Setting up a technology showcase at a partner's site to mitigate potential clients' risk perceptions and facilitate the product or process's market entry.


This grant is specifically available for companies that are legally constituted and operational within Quebec, Canada. It aims to support companies that are based in these locations to foster regional innovation and economic development.
  • Companies with an establishment in Quebec, Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to align with the program's objectives and maximize impact.
  • The project must demonstrate a significant level of innovation, offering a decisive advantage compared to existing market solutions and within the industry sector, both nationally and internationally.
  • There must be a potential market for the developed product or process.
  • The project should have robust intellectual property rights or a solid strategy to maintain a competitive advantage through intellectual property.
  • Alignment of the project with the company’s business model is essential.
  • The company's ability to successfully execute the project in terms of financial and human resources is evaluated.
  • The quality of partners involved in the project is a consideration.
  • The project implementation plan must be realistic and of high quality.
  • The project should explicitly outline the risk levels and uncertainties involved.
  • The financial structure and partner support are scrutinized.
  • The project should have discernible benefits for either the company or its industry.
  • The potential socioeconomic impacts of the project are considered.
  • If applicable, the quality of service from a private consultant or eligible public research center is part of the evaluation.
  • The project must align with the expertise and mission of an involved public research center, the company's business strategy, and the ministry's and sectoral priorities set by Investissement Québec.
  • Consideration of sustainable development elements within the project plan is required.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Guidelines
    • Read the complete "Guide de présentation des demandes" to ensure understanding of all requirements.
  • Step 2: Complete Application Form
    • Fill and sign the "Formulaire de demande d’aide financière".
  • Step 3: Prepare Supporting Documents
    • Gather all required documents as outlined in Section 7 of the guide, including the signed application form and potentially other documents depending on the project specifics (e.g., financial statements, project diagrams, partnership agreements).
  • Step 4: Submit Application
    • Send the complete application package electronically to
    • Ensure all files are included to avoid the application being deemed incomplete.
  • Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-up
    • Await confirmation of receipt from Investissement Québec.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The financial assistance provided is non-refundable.
  • Projects with higher innovation levels and potential benefits are prioritized for funding, especially in the context of economic recovery.
  • For collaborative projects involving multiple businesses, there are specific conditions regarding remuneration and contributions between parties.
  • Private contributions in cash must cover at least 25% of eligible expenses, or 20% for social economy enterprises.
  • Assistance can’t be combined with other financial aid from the Ministry of Economy and Innovation or Investissement Québec.
  • Applications are continuously accepted and processed, but the financial aid must align with the budgetary availability.
  • There is a maximum cap of $500,000 per company for the duration of the program.


Support for mobilising projects


Apply to this program

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