Regional Homebuilding Innovation Initiative (RHII) for Northern Ontario - ON - Canada

Regional Homebuilding Innovation Initiative (RHII) for Northern Ontario

ON, Canada
Supporting innovative homebuilding solutions for Northern Ontario
grant_single|update March 2, 2025


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor)


The Regional Homebuilding Innovation Initiative for Northern Ontario offers a maximum funding amount of $500,000 to advance innovative housing solutions and boost manufacturing efficiency, including modular and mass timber construction, 3D printing, and net-zero housing practices. Eligible activities involve investing in technology, scaling manufacturing, and developing industry tools for construction innovation.


  • Commercial projects are eligible for repayable assistance up to a maximum of $500,000 per project.
  • Funding is based on the minimum amount required for the project to proceed.
  • Applicants can receive up to 50% of eligible and supported project costs.
  • Total government funding including federal, provincial, and municipal cannot exceed 75% of supported eligible non-capital costs and 50% of supported eligible capital costs.
  • Applicants must secure at least 50% of the balance of the project's eligible costs from other sources.
  • Terms of repayment for commercial projects are set during the contribution agreement development and usually begin no later than one year after project completion.
  • For non-commercial projects, funding covers up to 75% of eligible and supported costs.
  • In projects that involve redistribution of funding to ultimate recipients, the maximum disbursement per ultimate recipient is $25,000, and they must provide a minimum of 50% cash contribution.
  • Non-commercial projects can receive total government funding (including federal, provincial, and municipal) up to 100% of supported costs.


  • Investing in manufacturing and construction technology to increase productivity and output in the housing sector, such as modular and mass timber construction.
  • Assisting firms in adapting, adopting and scaling innovative construction methods such as prefabrication/modular construction, net-zero housing, 3D printing, and net-zero and climate-resilient housing practices.
  • Investing in innovation, demonstration, and commercialization that accelerates the construction of homes.
  • Scaling existing manufacturers that produce panelized construction and inputs such as prefabricated drywall, trusses, cement, windows, and doors, etc.
  • Developing industry tools that accelerate construction innovation through the improvement and adoption of off-site construction technologies and practices.

$ 500,000

Scaling mass timber housing production for sustainable buildings

$ 500,000

Adopting net-zero technology in residential construction

$ 500,000

Developing modular housing technology for rapid construction


  • The applicant must be an incorporated small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), an incorporated not-for-profit organization, an Indigenous (First Nation/Métis/Inuit) business or organization, or a municipality/municipal organization.
  • The applicant must be a legal entity capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
  • The project benefits must accrue to Northern Ontario.


  • Incorporated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Incorporated not-for-profit organizations.
  • Indigenous (First Nation/Métis/Inuit) businesses and organizations.
  • Municipalities and municipal organizations.


  • Project-specific cost of labour (e.g., wages and benefits) and of material used.
  • Capital costs: purchase of machinery, equipment and infrastructure.
  • Operating costs that are incremental, measurable and directly related to the project.
  • Professional, advisory and technical services fees.
  • Costs related to intellectual property.
  • Preproduction costs (e.g., technological development and commercial demonstrations).
  • Commercialization costs.
  • Costs related to expanding or maintaining markets.
  • Subcontracting costs.


  • Northern Ontario



  • The applicant must have secured funding of at least 50% towards the balance of the project's eligible costs for commercial projects.
  • Financial assistance from government programs may have tax implications for a business, and it is advised to consult a qualified tax professional.
  • Terms of repayment will be determined during the development of the contribution agreement and normally begin no later than one year following the completion of the project.
  • Completing an application does not guarantee funding approval; all applications will undergo assessment based on business case, financial projections, and past results, among other factors.
  • Approval may depend upon funding availability.



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