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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
  • Government of Canada


Your non-profit could get a financial contribution to assist businesses at all stages of development in scaling up and becoming more globally competitive. Investments will focus on enhancing business support networks for under-represented groups — includi


There are project or activities eligible for this grant. Here is a summary of eligible activities:
  • Scaling up and expanding business operations
  • Implementing new technologies for increased productivity
  • Developing new products and accessing new markets
  • Supporting business networks and clusters
  • Assisting entrepreneurs, start-ups, and high-growth potential companies
  • Strengthening support for under-represented groups such as women, Indigenous peoples, and young entrepreneurs


Scaling a women-owned organic skincare business through new production equipment in Vancouver.


Implementing AI-driven analytics to boost productivity in a Toronto-based tech startup.


Supporting Indigenous entrepreneurial circles with training programs in Winnipeg.


Expanding a young tech company with a new software development wing in Montreal.


Introducing sustainable farming practices to a cooperative farm in Calgary.


Expanding an Indigenous artisan network with an online marketplace in Ottawa.


The eligibility criteria for this grant include:
  • Business Scale-up option is open to various types of businesses and non-profit organizations.
  • Regional Innovation Ecosystems option is available for non-profit organizations such as post-secondary educational institutions, accelerators, municipalities, and Indigenous businesses.
  • Extra support is available for Indigenous youth, women, and community-owned Indigenous businesses.


There are several types of companies eligible for the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) grant program in Canada. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, social enterprises, incorporated companies, corporations or cooperatives, Indigenous-owned businesses, and non-profit organizations that offer services to businesses are eligible for funding.
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Social enterprises
  • Incorporated companies
  • Corporations or cooperatives
  • Indigenous-owned businesses
  • Non-profit organizations offering services to businesses


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant.
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Social enterprises
  • Incorporated companies
  • Corporations or co-operatives
  • Indigenous-owned businesses


There are eligible expenses for this grant. Businesses can use the funding for the following purposes:
  • Scaling up and expanding
  • Making the most of new technologies
  • Improving productivity
  • Creating new products and finding new markets


The eligible geographic zones for the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) program are the Atlantic Canadian provinces.
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Newfoundland and Labrador


Evaluation and selection criteria for the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) program are used to assess the eligibility and competitiveness of grant applications. Criteria include:
  • Demonstrated potential for business growth or regional innovation
  • Alignment with program objectives and priorities
  • Economic benefits to Atlantic Canada
  • Capacity to deliver on proposed project outcomes
  • Innovation and creativity in proposed activities


  • Contact your nearest ACOA office to discuss your project
  • Complete and submit the Application for financial assistance


The REGI program stands out for its focus on various business stages and inclusive support. It emphasizes regional strength and innovation while offering specific benefits for under-represented groups.
  • Contact your nearest ACOA office to discuss your project before applying.
  • Application involves completing and submitting the Application for financial assistance form.
  • ACOA Business Information Services provides assistance for those with business ideas needing direction.
  • Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm (Atlantic time).
  • Search the Open Government Portal using the keyword "REGI" to see recently approved recipients and successful applications.


Apply to this program