NGen — Advanced Manufacturing Quantum Program Canada

NGen — Advanced Manufacturing Quantum Program

Propel Canada's leadership in quantum innovation by funding transformative, collaborative manufacturing projects


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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGEN)


The Advanced Manufacturing Commercialization of Quantum Technologies Program aims to strengthen Canada's manufacturing sector by funding collaborative, industry-led projects that develop and scale up transformative quantum technologies. Eligible activities must demonstrate the development and application of advanced manufacturing tools and techniques for quantum technologies or the deployment of quantum technologies in manufacturing, aligning with Canada's National Quantum Strategy missions in quantum computing, communications, or sensors.



The grant is open to a wide range of organizations involved in the commercialization of quantum technologies. Eligible applicants include for-profit businesses, certain not-for-profit organizations, indigenous organizations, and non-federal Crown corporations, provided they fulfill specific registration and operational requirements in Canada.
  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations that facilitate and fund research and primarily receive funding from private-sector or industry organizations
  • Non-federal Crown corporations whose funding is derived from commercial activities
  • Indigenous organizations


Certain types of companies are not eligible to receive this grant. Mainly, these include government entities and organizations without a significant presence in Canada.
  • Other publicly funded not-for-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, federal Crown Corporations, and government departments or agencies.
  • International organizations (offshore companies and research organizations without a registered business presence in Canada).


Eligible expenses for this grant include various project costs incurred by industry partners. These encompass labor, subcontracting, equipment, and materials directly linked to project objectives.
  • Labor costs for specialized labor or high rates
  • Subcontracting costs for non-academic suppliers
  • Equipment purchase costs, with specific criteria
  • Material costs related to the project's R&D aspects


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are primarily businesses registered in Canada with a value-added presence beyond a sales office. International organizations may also participate in CQT projects, but any project activity undertaken by them may not be eligible for funding.
  • Canada (businesses registered)
  • International organizations (participation only, activities not eligible for funding)


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Each project application will be assessed based on responses to ten questions, which will help determine whether the project aligns with strategic objectives and demonstrates collaboration, transformation, and potential economic and ecosystem benefits.
  • Outline the opportunity the project addresses, including alignment with the National Quantum Strategy's missions.
  • Define the transformative aspects and the new knowledge being created by the project.
  • Describe the nature and size of the potential market the project will address.
  • Explain how the results of the project will be commercialized.
  • Identify the economic benefits the project will deliver inside and outside the consortium.
  • Explain the broader impact on the advanced manufacturing ecosystem and Canadians.
  • Provide an overall project plan, detailing steps, tools, and management structures.
  • Elaborate on the risk management plan, identifying key risks and management strategies.
  • Describe the collaboration, partner skills, experience, and resources to deliver the project's benefits.
  • Justify why NGen funding is needed and outline the financial commitment to the project.


  • Step 1: Register as an NGen member at to apply for funding.
  • Step 2: Attend project development webinars to understand program requirements, application process, and finance rules.
  • Step 3: Complete an intake form describing the project concept and potential partners to initiate the project proposal.
  • Step 4: Project screening to ensure eligibility and compliance with CQT project requirements.
  • Step 5: Certify compliance with NGen's project requirements and clarify project objectives and collaborative aspects.
  • Step 6: Undergo financial due diligence to evaluate financial capacity to support project commitments.
  • Step 7: Submit a full application if eligibility criteria are met, including answering ten questions and providing supporting documents.
  • Step 8: The application is assessed by independent expert assessment panels.
  • Step 9: Await acceptance or rejection notification and receive feedback if rejected.
  • Step 10: For accepted applications, finalize a Master Project Agreement and a Collaboration Agreement among project partners.
  • Step 11: Submit updated project documents including Project Plan, Milestone Register, Risk Register, Financial Forecast, Commercialization Plan, and Finance Workbooks.
  • Step 12: Receive a Funding Confirmation Letter marking the official start of the NGen project.


The Advanced Manufacturing Commercialization of Quantum Technologies Program offers funding for collaborative, innovative projects in Canada's quantum sector. This program includes guidelines for application submissions and specific requirements for project proposals.
  • NGen is a not-for-profit organization that administers the grant and charges a non-refundable 3.5% administration fee.
  • Eligible projects must align with one of the three missions of the National Quantum Strategy: quantum computing, communications, or sensors.
  • The maximum funding support from NGen is capped at CAD $2 million.
  • Projects should include at least two unassociated Canadian industry partners, and one must be a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME).
  • Project submissions will be accepted during three intake periods, the first ending on November 29, 2023.
  • All projects must be completed, and claims filed by January 31, 2028.
  • Applications must pass through a rigorous assessment process by independent experts.
  • There are specific limitations on equipment costs and subcontractor expenses to ensure funding supports research and development rather than production.
  • NGen offers assistance with application development, project partner identification, and IP management plans.
Apply to this program