The Low Carbon Economy Fund - Low Carbon Economy Challenge Canada

The Low Carbon Economy Fund - Low Carbon Economy Challenge

The Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund catalyzes Canadian innovation to achieve significant GHG emissions reductions and foster clean growth.


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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Government of Canada


The Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund leverages Canadian innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster clean growth. It supports projects that deploy proven low-carbon technologies resulting in significant GHG reductions. Eligible activities must lead to direct and immediate emissions reductions that go beyond existing regulations and must be primarily for the applicant's or their partner's own use.


Yes, there are eligible projects and activities for this grant.
  • Projects resulting in reductions in GHG emissions in 2030 aligned with Canada's goals for net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Projects involving sources of GHG emissions controlled by the applicant or project partner (direct) and/or grid electricity emissions (acquired).
  • Projects going beyond what is required by existing regulations, standards, or codes and ongoing work by project proponents (incremental).
  • Projects resulting directly and immediately from activities funded by the program.
  • Projects with the capacity to make use of commercially available technology.
  • Projects with confirmed project location.
  • Production of electricity or fuel primarily for own use, within the applicant’s or identified partner’s operations (with exceptions for rural or remote communities or for district energy or industrial combined heat-and-power).


To be eligible, projects must result in reductions in GHG emissions in 2030 and align with Canada’s goals for net-zero emissions by 2050. These reductions must be beyond what is required by existing regulations, standards, or codes and ongoing work by project proponents.
  • Capacity to make use of commercially available technology
  • Confirmation of project location
  • Production of electricity or fuel must be primarily for own use, within the applicant’s or identified partner’s operations (except for projects located in rural or remote communities or for district energy or industrial combined heat-and-power)
  • Sources of GHG emissions controlled by the applicant or project partner (direct) and/or grid electricity emissions (acquired)
  • The GHG reductions must be directly and immediately the result of activities funded by the program


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for the Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund. Eligible applicants must ensure that their projects result in material GHG emissions reductions and make use of commercially available technology.
  • For-profit businesses
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Public sector bodies or boards
  • Provinces and provincial entities
  • Research, academic, and educational institutions
  • Regional/local/municipal governments or their entities located in a province
  • Regional/local/municipal governments or their entities located in a territory
  • Territories and/or territorial entities
  • Indigenous recipients (including Indigenous for-profit organizations)


Eligible expenditures for this grant include costs that directly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and are associated with the implementation of low-carbon technologies. Only costs essential to the completion of the project and resulting in direct GHG reductions are eligible.
  • Project design and engineering costs
  • Capital costs for the purchase and installation of equipment
  • Project management costs
  • Costs related to environmental assessments
  • Labour and professional service fees


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include all regions of Canada, with specific higher funding percentages for territories and Indigenous recipients.
  • Entirety of Canada
  • Provinces
  • Territories
  • Indigenous communities
  • Municipalities
  • Regional/local governments


The Challenge Fund is a competitive program that evaluates and selects projects based on merit, focusing heavily on cost-effectiveness. The most competitive projects demonstrate significant GHG emissions reductions and align with Canada's goals for net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Ratio of federal funding requested per tonne of CO2 eq reduced in 2030
  • GHG emissions reductions in 2030
  • Alignment with Canada's net-zero emissions goals by 2050
  • Use of commercially available technology
  • Production of electricity or fuel primarily for own use
  • Incremental reductions beyond existing regulations, standards, or codes
  • Immediate results from funded activities
  • Project location confirmation


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Verify that your project aligns with the eligibility criteria, including GHG reduction goals and use of commercially available technology.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
  • Gather all necessary documentation and information required for the application process, including project specifics and financial details.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application before the deadline (February 8, 2024). Ensure all required fields are filled out and documentation is attached.
  • Step 4: Eligibility Screening
  • Your application will be reviewed for completeness and to determine if it meets all eligibility criteria.
  • Step 5: Merit Evaluation
  • Eligible applications will be evaluated based on the Challenge merit framework and scored out of 100 points.
  • Step 6: Project Selection
  • Applications will be ranked based on merit scores and other considerations. Successful applications will proceed to the selection stage.
  • Step 7: Ministerial Approval
  • Projects will be recommended for funding to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Approved projects will receive a notification of approval-in-principle.
  • Step 8: Sign Funding Agreement
  • Follow the next steps outlined in the approval-in-principle notification to finalize a funding agreement with ECCC.


The grant offers additional channels for funding opportunities and provides specific guidelines on visual image requirements for funded projects.
  • Ineligible projects or those not selected for funding may consider other funding opportunities through the following portals: Our environment, Clean Growth Hub, and Innovation Canada.
  • For visual image guidelines related to the Low Carbon Economy Fund, reference specific guidelines provided in the related links section.


The Low Carbon Economy Fund - Low Carbon Economy Challenge

Apply to this program