
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 8, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateJune 11, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Educational services
  • Public administration
  • Canadian Heritage
  • Government of Canada


Get up to $300,000/year to cover 100% of the expenses your Indigenous-led business incurs to strengthen and preserve Indigenous cultural identity and languages.


The Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program provides funding through varied modalities based on the scale of the project and its objectives to support First Nations language initiatives. These funding modalities are designed to facilitate both ongoing and proposal-based language revitalization activities.
  • Canadian Heritage can fund up to 100% of eligible expenses for approved projects.
  • Approved applications of $150,000 and under may be funded through a grant agreement.
  • Approved applications over $150,000 are funded through a contribution agreement.
  • A fixed contribution funding is available, enabling First Nations recipients to retain unexpended funds, provided that all contribution agreement conditions are met.
  • A flexible contribution option allows First Nations recipients to allocate unexpended balances at the end of each fiscal year toward eligible expenses in subsequent fiscal years.
  • The recipient may transfer funds from one eligible expenditure category to another, with some restrictions on administrative and travel expenses, without the Minister’s authorization.
  • Reporting requirements include financial reports, results reports, and completion of evaluations or assessments at specified intervals.
  • If the recipient receives $250,000 or more, an audited financial report is required.


This grant funds projects dedicated to enhancing the vitality and fluency of First Nations languages across Canada. Eligible projects focus on a broad spectrum of activities to support language reclamation, revitalization, maintenance, and strengthening.
  • Creation and delivery of language programs and services, including language plan development, immersion activities, and mentor-apprentice programs.
  • Capacity building and training initiatives, such as curriculum development and teacher training.
  • Community engagement through events like conferences, gatherings, and promotional activities.
  • Community-led research and studies to assess language needs and develop data-driven strategies.
  • Resource development for documentation, archiving, and creating language educational materials.
  • Management and administration to support efficient delivery of language programming and services.

$ 230,000

Create a documentation and archiving project for Indigenous languages

$ 230,000

Develop an immersive language program for youth

$ 200,000

Organize a series of language promotion conferences

$ 210,000

Develop language templates and tools for Indigenous educators

$ 230,000

Establish a community-based language research project

$ 220,000

Launch a mentor-apprentice language program for elders and youth


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
  • The applicant must be a First Nations organization or group within Canada, and in good standing.
  • The applicant must be owned and controlled by First Nations persons, including a First Nations-owned corporation or a First Nations controlled not-for-profit organization, which directly delivers language revitalization services or supports the delivery of language revitalization services.
  • The applicant must be a First Nations government or an equivalent organization and its delegated authorities, a First Nations-led institution including accredited programs, or a First Nations-led not-for-profit organization.
  • For the annual and multi-year project stream, the applicant could also be a First Nations ad hoc group formed for a specific language work plan or a First Nations for-profit organization, provided the activities will not result in income generation for their sole benefit.
  • For the ongoing programmatic stream, the applicant must have a long-term language plan or work plan in place with at least two years of experience in providing First Nations languages revitalization services.


First Nations organizations or groups within Canada in good standing are eligible to apply for funding. Specifically, applicants must be:- A First Nations government or an equivalent organization and its delegated authorities.- A First Nations-led institution, including accredited programs.- A First Nations-led not-for-profit organization.For annual and multi-year project funding, applicants could also be:- A First Nations ad hoc group formed for a specific language work plan.- A First Nations for-profit organization, provided the activities for which funding is requested do not result in income generation for their sole benefit.For ongoing programmatic funding, applicants must have a long-term language plan or work plan with at least two years of experience in providing First Nations language revitalization services.


Certain companies and industries are not eligible for this grant due to their operational focus or financial strategies. These restrictions are designed to ensure the funds are utilized specifically for projects aligned with indigenous language revitalization.
  • Organizations primarily focused on income generation for sole benefit, such as for-profit organizations without community-oriented projects.
  • Companies involved in capital construction or major renovations.
  • Entities seeking funding for core operational costs unrelated to language programming, such as broadcasting services.
  • Organizations looking for deficit recovery funds.
  • Businesses involved in commercial enterprises not linked to cultural support.


This grant supports activities dedicated to enhancing First Nations languages in communities across Canada. Eligible projects focus on various facets of language revitalization and development.
  • Language programs and services such as language plan development, immersion activities, language nests, mentor-apprentice programming, and land-based learning.
  • Capacity building and training including curriculum development, leadership development, and teacher training.
  • Community engagement activities like promotion and awareness, conferences and gatherings, and planning.
  • Community-led research and studies, such as language community assessments and data development.
  • Resource development, including documentation and archiving, instructor resources, language templates and tools, and audiovisual and multimedia materials.
  • Management and administration for language programming and services, including communication, consultation, and coordination.


Eligible geographical areas for the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program – Indigenous Languages Component, First Nations Languages Funding Model are based on specific regional organizations and agreements. Applicants should consult regionally designated guidelines for Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, while Yukon self-governing First Nations obtain funding through specific agreements with Canadian Heritage.
  • First Nations in Nova Scotia
  • First Nations in Quebec
  • First Nations in Ontario
  • First Nations in British Columbia
  • First Nations receiving funding through Yukon self-governing agreements


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria which ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives for the reclamation and revitalization of First Nations languages.
  • Demonstration that the project's implementation would support the objectives of the Indigenous Languages Component—First Nations Languages Funding Model.
  • Detailed description of the activities to be funded.
  • Clear articulation of the expected results of the proposed activities.
  • A comprehensive budget that clearly links to the proposed activities.
  • Disclosure of partners and their roles in the activities, if applicable.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Guidelines
    • Read the application guidelines for the Indigenous Languages Component—First Nations Languages Funding Model thoroughly to ensure understanding of requirements and eligibility.
  • Step 2: Contact Canadian Heritage
    • Email Canadian Heritage at to request an application package.
  • Step 3: Assemble Application Package
    • Gather all supporting documents required as per the Application Checklist (Annex A).
    • Complete the General Application Form (Annex B).
    • Prepare the Organization Overview (Annex C).
    • Write the Summary (Annex D).
    • Develop a Language Plan if applicable (Appendix 1).
    • Detail Project or Ongoing Programmatic Activities & Resources (Appendix 2).
    • Fill out the Declaration and Attestation (Annex E).
    • Include a detailed budget (Annex F).
  • Step 4: Prepare Specific Application Requirements
    • For ongoing programmatic funding stream, include Ongoing Programmatic Funding details (Appendix 3) and a Language plan or work plan.
  • Step 5: Obtain Proof of Support
    • Gather proof of support such as band council resolutions, letters, or emails from participating First Nations communities.
  • Step 6: Complete Digital Submission
    • Ensure all forms and supporting documents are signed where applicable.
    • Submit the complete application package electronically to
  • Step 7: Acknowledge Receipt
    • Await an acknowledgement of receipt from Canadian Heritage within two weeks of your submission.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Approved applications of $150,000 and under may receive funding through a grant agreement, while applications over $150,000 will be funded through a contribution agreement.
  • The funding received through this grant can cover up to 100% of the total eligible project-related costs.
  • First Nations Review Committee has the responsibility of prioritizing applications, aligning with available funds and regional priorities.
  • Applicants need to provide proof of support from participating First Nations communities and their leadership, like band council resolutions or letters, as this support may influence the review process.
  • Applicants submitting applications for ongoing programmatic funding must have been providing language revitalization services for at least two years.
  • Funding recipients are required to submit an audited financial report if they receive $250,000 or more as a contribution.
  • All recipients must report annually on their projects or plans, and they must complete an evaluation of their language plan or work plan before renewing ongoing programmatic funding.
  • Managing conflict of interest is crucial, and recipients must have transparent policies and procedures for project selection and funding adjudication.
  • Funding priorities include community-based initiatives, language plans with community support, and activities that strongly support language revitalization.


Apply to this program

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