
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateJuly 9, 2024
Tax Credits
  • Wholesale trade
  • Retail trade
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Ministry of Finance (BC)


Service station owners and bulk fuel dealers located along the Alberta and Manitoba borders can receive a commission of 25% to 100% of the tax differential to compete with their interprovincial counterparts.


The Gasoline Competition Assistance Program provides support for service stations and bulk fuel dealers located near the Alberta and Manitoba borders to enhance their competitiveness in the market. The program focuses on compensating for tax expenses incurred on fuel purchases to facilitate fair competition.
  • Reimbursement of taxes paid on eligible fuel purchases including gasoline, diesel, dyed diesel, and propane for service stations.
  • Allowance for bulk fuel dealers on sales or deliveries to customers within designated competition zones.

$ 15,000

Fuel supplier acquiring propane to meet demand and compete with Manitoba suppliers

$ 46,875

Cooperative buying diesel to support agricultural customers near Alberta border

$ 56,250

Bulk fuel dealer seeking assistance to compete with dealers in Alberta and Manitoba

$ 63,750

Diesel supplier enhancing inventory to compete with regional markets

$ 52,500

Service station buying gasoline to maintain competitive pricing near Manitoba border

$ 33,750

Service station upgrading fuel inventory to remain competitive near provincial borders


To be eligible for the Fuel Competition Assistance Program, applicants must meet certain criteria regarding their location and business operations.
  • Service stations must be located up to 56 km from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba competition.
  • Applicants must be purchasing eligible fuels, which include gasoline, diesel, dyed diesel, and propane.
  • Bulk fuel dealers must deliver eligible fuels to customers located in the competition assistance zones.
  • Bulk fuel dealers must provide the names of their customers and the distance each customer is from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba fuel dealer.


Service stations and bulk fuel dealers located along the Alberta and Manitoba borders who meet the specified criteria, such as being within 56 km from the nearest competition, are eligible to apply for the Fuel Competition Assistance Program in Saskatchewan.


This assistance program provides financial support to specific business activities related to fuel sales and deliveries near provincial borders. Eligible activities are designated to offer competition allowances on taxes for respective fuel purchases or sales.
  • Purchases of eligible fuels such as gasoline, diesel, dyed diesel, and propane by service stations up to 56 km from Alberta or Manitoba competition.
  • Deliveries of eligible fuels to customers in competition assistance zones made by bulk fuel dealers.


Service stations and bulk fuel dealers located near the borders of Alberta and Manitoba within specific zones are eligible for the Gasoline Competition Assistance Program. This program aims to support businesses that are affected by cross-border fuel competition.
  • Service stations located up to 56 km from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba competition.
  • Bulk fuel dealers delivering to customers within competition assistance zones near Alberta or Manitoba.


  • Step 1: Complete Application Form
    • Fill out the Fuel Competition Assistance Application form with accurate details.
  • Step 2: Gather Supporting Documents
    • Collect fuel purchase invoices as proof of purchase.
    • For bulk fuel dealers, list the names of customers and specify the distance each is from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba fuel dealer.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
    • Mail the completed application and all supporting documents to the Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance, at PO Box 200, Regina, SK S4P 2Z6.
    • Alternatively, email the documents to


The Fuel Competition Assistance Program (FCAP) helps fuel dealers near Alberta and Manitoba borders by providing assistance for taxable fuel sales. The program adjusts based on tax rate differences and distance to nearest competition.
  • Assistance does not apply to aviation fuel or exempt propane.
  • Bulk fuel dealers must report customer distances and submit invoices for assistance claims.
  • The effective assistance rates vary depending on the zone and type of fuel.
  • Electronic tax reporting is available through the Saskatchewan eTax Services (SETS) portal.
  • Service station dealers must provide business details and fuel purchase invoices for assistance.
  • Propane assistance is only for taxable sales for internal combustion engines.


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