
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Loans and Capital investments
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail trade
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
  • Government of Canada


Get a repayable loan with terms tailored to your business if you are thinking of buying a company, making a merger or acquiring a competitor in order to expand your operations.


  • Acquire fixed assets
  • Buyout a business
  • Acquire intangible assets


Acquire a commercial property in downtown Toronto to expand operations.


Buyout a local competitor in Montreal to consolidate market presence.


Acquire intangible assets like goodwill and client lists in Vancouver.


Purchase industrial equipment for a new manufacturing line in Calgary.


Acquire shares of an existing business in Ottawa to expand service offerings.


Family succession buyout of a local bookstore in Winnipeg.


  • Businesses in Canada looking to acquire fixed assets, buyout a business, or acquire intangible assets are eligible.
  • Loan amounts tailored to the needs of the business, a higher percentage of financing, and payments matched to the cash flow are some of the key eligibility criteria for this grant.


There are specific types of companies eligible for this grant, including companies looking to acquire fixed assets, buyout a business, or acquire intangible assets.
  • Companies acquiring fixed assets such as land, buildings, equipment, and shares of an existing business.
  • Businesses seeking financing for a family succession, management buyout, or vendor financing refinance.
  • Companies looking to acquire intangible assets like intellectual property, goodwill, and client lists.


The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Accelerator Loan Guarantee offers financing specifically tailored for business acquisitions, mergers, or expansions. Eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Acquiring fixed assets such as land, buildings, equipment, and shares of an existing business
  • Buying out a business through family successions, management buyouts, or refinancing vendor financing
  • Acquiring intangible assets like intellectual property, goodwill, and client lists
  • Optimal financing structure tailored to your needs
  • Additional support for asset-light companies or unconventional financing needs


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria include:
  • Financial stability and creditworthiness of the applicant
  • Purpose of the loan and its alignment with business growth
  • Experience and track record of the business owner
  • Potential impact of the loan on the business and the local economy


  • Complete the online application form with your business information and loan requirements.
  • Submit any required supporting documents, such as financial statements, business plans, and legal documents.
  • Wait for the loan approval decision from BDC, which may include a review of your application and financial situation.
  • If approved, finalize the loan agreement and terms with BDC's specialists.
  • Receive the funding in your business account and start using it for your acquisition or business purchase needs.
Apply to this program