Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) BC Canada

Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP)

BC, Canada
Empower rural communities through economic diversification, resilience, and sustainable infrastructure development


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Government of British Columbia


The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) is a grant initiative by the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development, and Innovation, designed to support rural economic development through projects that foster economic diversification, resilience, clean growth opportunities, and infrastructure development. Eligible activities include building local economic capacity, promoting economic diversification through development projects such as feasibility studies and infrastructure design, and supporting communities impacted by changes in the forest sector. The program targets small rural and Indigenous communities, offering up to 100% project cost coverage depending on the funding category applied for.


The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) supports projects that enhance economic capacity, promote diversification and development, as well as aid in forest impact transition. The eligible projects cover a range of strategies to bolster rural communities' economic growth and resilience.
  • Community assessment projects identifying economic development capacity and opportunities
  • Capacity building through coaching, mentorship, and professional development
  • Consultation and project identification efforts
  • Staff recruitment and retention initiatives
  • Feasibility studies and business planning
  • Infrastructure design, such as architectural and engineering assessments
  • Construction of new, or upgrading existing, infrastructure supporting business development
  • Development of new or enhanced programs or services related to business and industry growth


The grant supports projects that enhance economic development and diversification. Eligible applicants include Indigenous communities, local governments, regional districts, and not-for-profit organizations, among others.
  • Local Governments, Regional Districts, Indigenous Governments, Indigenous Development Corporations, and Indigenous-led Not-for-profits can apply as lead applicants.
  • Projects must directly serve the applicant’s community or communities involved in a collaborative project.
  • Communities with populations under 25,000, located outside Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts, are eligible.
  • Communities with populations over the eligibility limit by up to 500 may still apply.
  • Funding is available for three categories: Economic Capacity, Economic Diversification, and Forest Impact Transition.
  • Partners can include non-Indigenous Development Corporations, industry organizations, businesses, community foundations, and post-secondary institutions.


The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) allows certain types of organizations to apply as lead applicants. Business entities such as for-profit businesses and limited partnerships can participate as partners in project applications.
  • Local Governments
  • Regional Districts
  • Indigenous Governments
  • Indigenous Development Corporations
  • Indigenous-led Not-for-profits
  • Not-for-profits


The grant specifies that some entities are not eligible as lead applicants. Ineligible entities include federal entities, businesses, and political groups, among others.
  • Federal entities, including federal Crown Corporations
  • Applicants not operating within the Province of British Columbia
  • Businesses
  • Limited Partnerships
  • A political party, political action group or lobby group
  • Registered charities


Yes, the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) outlines eligible expenses for project funding. These costs must directly benefit and be essential to the project, being reasonable and accurately estimated.
  • Costs incurred after approval and on or before the project completion date
  • Capital purchases essential to project implementation: up to 50% of REDIP funding
  • Staff salaries in the lead or partner organization(s) working directly on project activities
  • Equipment and/or furnishing essential to project operations
  • Consulting services, project management, design/engineering costs, environmental reviews, and archaeological assessments
  • Indigenous consultation and culturally relevant hospitality costs
  • Communications, marketing or promotion-related costs
  • Travel, accommodation, and meals related to the project based on government per diem rates


The eligible geographic zones for the grant are primarily rural communities and Indigenous communities in British Columbia, located outside of the Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts. Specific project locations vary depending on the funding category.
  • REDIP-EC: Small rural communities with populations of less than 2,500 and Indigenous communities outside of Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts.
  • REDIP-ED: Small rural communities with populations of less than 25,000 and Indigenous communities outside of Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts.
  • REDIP-FIT: Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities outside of Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts experiencing or anticipating impacts from changes in the forest sector.


The grant evaluation and selection criteria for REDIP applications involve assessing the need, benefits, feasibility, and community support of projects based on set priorities. The process includes a review panel that evaluates applications against these criteria to determine funding allocation.
  • Project Need: Describes project details clearly and demonstrates necessity.
  • Project Benefits: Identifies clear and tangible community benefits and aligns with StrongerBC priorities.
  • Project Timeline: Demonstrates thorough planning with clear milestones.
  • Project Budget: Contains detailed descriptions and accurate estimates.
  • Project Risk & Feasibility: Identifies potential risks with mitigation strategies and shows organizational capabilities.
  • Community Support / Planning: Provides strong linkages to community planning.
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation: Shows support and commitment to diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.
  • Applicant Self-assessment: Preference for organizations with limited capacity for economic development challenges.
  • Forest Impacts (for REDIP-FIT): Self-identifying impacts of forest sector changes is necessary for eligibility.


  • Step 1: Learn about the program
  • Refer to the REDIP Program Guide for complete details about the program.
  • Contact the program team or your local Regional Manager for support.
  • Step 2: Select a funding category and confirm your eligibility
  • Ensure you are applying for the correct funding category and that you are eligible to apply.
  • Step 3: Review your project idea with program staff
  • Connect with REDIP staff or a Regional Manager to ensure your project aligns with the program's scope and criteria.
  • Step 4: Create a Business BCeID
  • A Business BCeID is required to apply for REDIP.
  • Business BCeIDs take several weeks to generate, so begin the process early.
  • Step 5: Prepare your application
  • Practice (Word document) application forms are available for drafting responses in advance.
  • A completed Excel budget template is required with your application.
  • Step 6: Complete optional supporting documentation
  • Additional supporting documents such as quotes, project plans, permits, and letters of support can be included.
  • Step 7: Submit your application
  • If any concerns arise about online submission, contact the program team before the application deadline.
  • Step 8: After your application is submitted
  • All eligible applications are reviewed and ranked against program priorities. Decisions are communicated in Spring 2025.


The REDIP is a competitive grant program with detailed eligibility requirements and a structured application process. Eligible lead applicants must ensure their projects align with the program's economic development goals.
  • Applicants can be local governments, regional districts, Indigenous governments, Indigenous development corporations, and not-for-profits.
  • Projects need to directly serve the applicant's community, and those involving multiple communities must meet eligibility for each.
  • New Business BCeID is required for application, which can take several weeks to obtain.
  • Applicants can submit only one application per intake for one category: REDIP-EC, REDIP-ED, or REDIP-FIT.
  • Funding recipients must acknowledge the Province of British Columbia in promotional materials.
  • Eligible costs include those directly related to the project and must comply with federal/provincial standards.
  • Projects must provide documentation on budgets, partnership letters, relevant permits, and community support.

Apply to this program