BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program
BC, Canada
Cost-shared funding for B.C. farmers adopting new technologies
grant_single|update January 24, 2025
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 22, 2023
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Innovate BC
The BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program provides cost-shared funding to help B.C. farmers adopt new technologies that enhance profitability, productivity, and efficiency, with maximum funding amounts of up to $150,000 for automation and innovative on-farm technologies and up to $5,000 for farm business management tools. Eligible activities include the integration of new-to-applicant technologies, such as robotics, automation equipment, and farm management software.
This grant provides cost-shared funding to assist farmers in adopting new on-farm technologies, encouraging productivity and profitability enhancements. The financing modalities vary by technology category to ensure effective resource allocation.
- Category A technologies receive up to 65% government contribution, with the applicant responsible for at least 35% of costs, and funding amounts can range from $10,000 to $150,000.
- Category B technologies are eligible for up to 75% government contribution, requiring at least 25% applicant contribution, with funding amounts ranging from $300 to $5,000.
- Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis for approved expenses, with claims necessitating invoices and proof of payment.
- Photographic evidence of technology receipt on-site is required for reimbursement.
- Confirmation of purchase and delivery of technology must occur by March 20, 2024, for this funding call.
- Payments are issued within 3-4 weeks upon validation of submitted documents.
This program aims to enhance on-farm profitability, productivity, and efficiency by supporting the adoption of new, commercialized technologies in British Columbia. Eligible projects fall into two main categories, either focusing on automation and innovative on-farm technologies or on business management tools to improve operational efficiency.
- Automation, Robotics, and Innovative On-Farm Growing, Packing or Storage Technologies, supported at up to 65% government funding.
- Farm Business Management Tools, supported at up to 75% government funding.
- Robotic equipment such as harvesters and barn cleaning robots.
- Automated equipment like feeders and animal health monitoring systems.
- Digital sensors or smart camera systems for environmental monitoring.
- Technologies for improving post-harvest packing and storage, like automated sorters.
- Farm business or financial management software to enhance operational efficiency.
- High-precision GPS and internet boosters for improved management and connectivity.
$ 70,000
Installation of automated feeders to improve animal health monitoring
$ 60,000
Introducing farm business management software at Sunfield Vineyards
$ 80,000
Implementing robotic vegetable pickers to enhance productivity
$ 75,000
Installation of environmental monitoring sensors
$ 90,000
Implementing automated sorters for post-harvest packing
$ 50,000
Adopting high-precision GPS for soil management
To be eligible for this grant, applicants must meet several criteria regarding their business operations and registration status.
- Applicants must be based in British Columbia (B.C.).
- Applicants must be appropriately registered, licensed, and/or certified to conduct business in B.C.
- Applicants must have a minimum of two years in operation.
- Applicants must make no less than $30,000 in annual revenue during the previous two years from the production of primary B.C. agriculture commodities such as fruit, vegetables, grains, or livestock. The Ministry reserves the right to waive the minimum farm revenue requirement for underrepresented groups.
- Eligible applicants include agriculture producers (farmers or ranchers) of primary agricultural commodities, Indigenous businesses, communities, and organizations that are majority-owned (at least 51%) by Indigenous individuals or communities and produce primary agricultural commodities or engage in traditional food production practices.
The BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program is aimed at B.C.-based agriculture producers, including farmers and ranchers, and Indigenous businesses or communities engaged in traditional food production practices. Applicants must have at least two years in operation and generate a minimum of $30,000 in annual revenue from primary B.C. agriculture commodities, although this minimum revenue requirement may be waived for underrepresented groups.
This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions target activities outside the core agricultural sectors intended for support by this program.
- Operations that grow, process or handle health or nutrition supplements.
- Operations that grow, process or handle cannabis.
- Operations producing or processing pet food or food not intended for human consumption.
- Food processors, wholesalers, distributors, farm input suppliers, restaurants and other food service establishments.
- Unlicensed, unregistered, or uninspected facilities.
- Food packing operations located off-farm.
- Aquaculture and seafood production/processing businesses.
- Any other business that does not fall within the scope of eligible applicants in this Program Guide.
This program provides funding to support the adoption of advanced technologies on farms to enhance efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Eligible projects are divided into two categories, focusing on the implementation of new technologies related to farm automation and management.
- Automation, Robotics, and Innovative On-Farm Technologies: Adoption of robotic equipment, automated tools, smart sensors, and technologies that improve post-harvest packing and storage.
- Farm Business Management Tools: Use of farm management software, GPS systems, and internet enhancements to improve business operations.
This grant is specifically available to applicants operating within British Columbia. The eligible location ensures that the funds are directed towards strengthening B.C.’s agriculture sector.
- Businesses and organizations based in British Columbia, Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on their alignment with the objectives of the BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program.
- Impact on productivity, efficiency, and/or profitability of the farm.
- Type of technology/innovation being purchased, with a higher emphasis on technologies new to B.C. and/or a specific commodity sector.
- Project budget and timeline adequacy.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Prepare Eligibility Documentation
- Ensure that your business is based in B.C. and meets all registration, licensing, and certification requirements.
- Gather proof of a minimum of two years of operation and evidence of making at least $30,000 in annual revenue from primary B.C. agriculture commodities.
- Confirm that your farm is not involved in any ineligible operations such as growing cannabis or processing pet food.
- Step 2: Identify and Confirm Technology Needs
- Select the category of technology for application: either Category A (Automation, Robotics, etc.) or Category B (Farm Business Management Tools).
- Obtain quotes for the technology to substantiate the requested funding amount.
- Step 3: Compile Additional Required Information
- Prepare financial statements showing annual organization revenues from the past two years.
- Set a proposed delivery date for the technology items.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Access the online application portal through the program website during the call period from November 27, 2023, to December 22, 2023.
- Complete the application form and upload all required documents including the financial statements and quotes.
- Ensure all sections of the application are complete and accurate before submitting.
- Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-Up
- Receive confirmation of application submission via email.
- Wait for the application review and decision notification, expected within 3-4 weeks after the call closes for Category A and 2-3 weeks for Category B.
- Be prepared to enter into a Funding Agreement with Innovate BC if approved.
The grant focuses on enhancing profitability, productivity, and efficiency through the adoption of new on-farm technologies by providing cost-shared funding. It aims to strengthen B.C.'s agriculture sector and supports farmers in incorporating new technologies.
- Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis after submission of invoices, proof of payment, and photographic confirmation of technology delivery.
- The maximum total funding awarded to any one organization is $150,000.
- Category A projects are funded up to 65% by the government, while Category B projects are funded up to 75% by the government.
- Applicants must not use other government funding sources to cover their contribution amount.
- Applications for Category A will be reviewed post intake closure, and Category B applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Apply to this program
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