Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program – Stream 1 BC Canada

Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program – Stream 1

BC, Canada
Funding for producers to improve and expand water storage and irrigation infrastructure aimed at enhancing agricultural water supply, efficiency, and sustainability.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF)


The Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP) aims to enhance irrigation efficiency and ensure sustainable agricultural water management in British Columbia. Eligible activities under Stream 1 include rehabilitating agricultural dams, constructing new water storage infrastructure, and converting conveyance ditches to pipelines. The program offers cost-shared funding between $200,000 and $1,000,000 to support these projects, with a 50% contribution from the applicant and 50% from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.


Yes, there are eligible projects and activities for this grant, aimed at improving agricultural water infrastructure in British Columbia.
  • Rehabilitation and upgrades of agricultural dams and reservoirs
  • Improvement, expansion or new construction of dugouts and related storage infrastructure
  • New construction of other water storage infrastructure
  • Improvement, expansion or new construction of off-farm conversion of conveyance ditches to pipelines
  • Improvement, expansion or new construction of water delivery systems to the farm gate from off-farm storage infrastructure and licensed intakes on streams


Rehabilitation of a dam in Vancouver to improve water storage capacity for agricultural use.


Construction of new water storage infrastructure in Surrey to support local farms.


Upgrading irrigation ditches to pipelines on farms near Kelowna to reduce water losses.


Expansion of water storage reservoirs in Burnaby to ensure sufficient supply for agriculture.


New dugout construction in Richmond to enhance water storage for local farms.


North Vancouver
Development of water delivery systems in North Vancouver for improved farm irrigation.


To be eligible for the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program – Stream 1, applicants must be BC-based individual producers utilizing water for agricultural purposes. Ineligible participants include non-agricultural entities, government bodies, and certain organizations.
  • Producer – Cooperative
  • Producer – Corporation
  • Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Producer – Partnership
  • Producer – Sole proprietorship
  • Indigenous Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Indigenous Producer – Partnership
  • Indigenous Producer – Sole Proprietorship
  • Indigenous Cooperative
  • Indigenous Corporation


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. To be considered eligible, applicants must be BC-based and fall into specific categories.
  • Producer – Cooperative
  • Producer – Corporation
  • Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Producer – Partnership
  • Producer – Sole proprietorship
  • Indigenous Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Indigenous Producer – Partnership
  • Indigenous Producer – Sole Proprietorship
  • Indigenous Cooperative
  • Indigenous Corporation


The following types of companies are not eligible for the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP) Stream 1 grant:
  • Non-agricultural individuals or groups (including Seafood/Aquaculture)
  • Provincial and federal governments
  • Crown Corporations
  • Local Government or Regional District
  • Irrigation District or Improvement District
  • Diking District
  • Non-Profit Organization – Agriculture
  • Non-Profit Organization – Conservation
  • Water Users’ Community
  • Indigenous Community
  • Indigenous Governing Body
  • Indigenous Organization – For-Profit
  • Indigenous Organization – Non-Profit


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. These include costs related to construction, materials, and equipment for various agricultural water storage and delivery infrastructure projects.
  • Construction, materials, machinery/equipment (e.g., gates, valves)
  • Pumping systems and watering troughs
  • Professional services associated with project supervision
  • Power supply to farm property line
  • Solar or wind power supply for remote livestock watering systems
  • Dugout aeration systems
  • Planting of trees and snow fencing
  • Mainline distribution system including materials and construction costs
  • Electric power line extension


Eligible applicants for this grant must be based in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Producer – Cooperative
  • Producer – Corporation
  • Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Producer – Partnership
  • Producer – Sole proprietorship
  • Indigenous Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Indigenous Producer – Partnership
  • Indigenous Producer – Sole Proprietorship
  • Indigenous Cooperative
  • Indigenous Corporation


The evaluation and selection criteria for the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP) – Stream 1 include various factors to assess the feasibility, impact, and technical aspects of the proposed projects. These criteria help determine the project's potential to address water issues, improve agricultural production, and meet professional standards.
  • Water Issues & Water Supply Source (30%)
  • Awareness of regulatory requirements beyond water permits or dam safety authorizations.
  • Severity of water constraint or risk for the watershed serving as the main supply source.
  • Possibility of developing additional or alternate water supply sources in the region or watershed.
  • Project Benefits (40%)
  • Significance of improving water use efficiency and storage.
  • Extent of benefits to agricultural production in the area.
  • Promotion of sustainable water supply development with long, medium, or short-term solutions.
  • Technical Review (30%)
  • Approach addresses water issues based on professional standards.
  • Comprehensive project plan with scientific rationale, merits, impacts, and mitigation measures.
  • Reasonable and logical conclusions and outcomes based on the project approach.


  • Step 1: Create an Account and Organization Registration
  • Create a personal profile (name and email).
  • Provide organization information: name, contact details, type of organization, BC ID or CRA numbers, primary contact, etc.
  • Ensure your contact details and organization information are up to date.
  • Step 2: Draft Your Application (starting June 27, 2024)
  • Select Agriculture Water Infrastructure | Stream 1 from the Funding Opportunities section.
  • Provide details such as applicant type, project name, project summary, proposed start and end dates, and more.
  • Upload relevant documents (quotes, permits, licenses, assessments, etc.) through the IAF Client Portal.
  • Step 3: Submit Your Application (starting July 25, 2024, at 9AM)
  • Ensure the application is complete, including all required documentation.
  • Submit your application through the IAF Client Portal.
  • Step 4: Awaiting Review and Adjudication
  • IAF Team will check organization/applicant eligibility and application completeness.
  • Projects meeting criteria will be sent to a Technical Review Committee.
  • Additional technical review may be required by specialists, if needed.
  • Receive funding decisions within 10-12 weeks of submission.
  • Step 5: Notification of Funding Decisions
  • If approved, enter into an agreement with IAF outlining the obligations of each party.
  • Funding is specific to the approved project and related expenses, and is non-transferable.
  • Begin project activities as of approval and complete within three years.
  • Step 6: Reporting Requirements
  • Complete interim and final reports to receive interim and final payments.
  • Submit reports via the IAF Client Portal.


The Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP) aims to support BC-based agricultural producers in increasing water availability for agriculture through cost-shared funding for various water infrastructure projects. Eligible activities include rehabilitation and upgrades of dams, improvement or construction of dugouts and related infrastructure, and conversion of conveyance ditches to pipelines.
  • The program does not support retroactive costs, and all projects must be approved before any activities or expenses are incurred.
  • Projects should be completed within three years of the start date, with all projects needing to be finished by January 15, 2032.
  • Eligible activities include construction, materials, machinery/equipment, professional services, and more, but items such as used materials, water distribution systems, and regular maintenance activities are ineligible.
  • All necessary permits and regulatory approvals must be secured before the commencement of the project.
  • Applications will be reviewed based on criteria such as water issues, project benefits, and technical review, with prioritization given to projects in certain watersheds.
  • Applicants can apply through the IAF Client Portal, with application drafts opening on June 27, 2024, and submissions accepted from July 25, 2024, to August 8, 2024.
  • Funding notifications and contracts will be managed through the IAF Client Portal, and an initial payment of up to 50% may be made upon signing the agreement.
  • Applicants may book a 10-minute appointment with an IAF staff member for support during the application period.
  • Funding decisions aim to be provided within 10-12 weeks of application completion.

Apply to this program