By Karine Dutemple
June 11, 2024
HTML headings: all about H2 tags
Whilst h1 tags (or headings) are often the ones that steal the limelight due to the title function they occupy within an SEO-optimized article, h2 tags are also very important. Here are the main things to know about h2 tags:
How to use H2 tags
Although web-optimized content has certain distinct specificities when compared to traditional textual content, its overall structure is quite similar. In this regard, the information that is contained in text items published on the internet must also be organized in a logical way so that the reader can quickly understand the main topics mentioned therein.
Much like a table of contents, the tags that follow the main title (the H1 tag) are used to organize and present the different sections of the text. Earning a second place in terms of importance behind the H1 tag, H2 tags act as subtitles, establishing the first breakdown of the textual content.
In order to apply a logical method that is essential to the structure of your text, it is recommended to make sure that your H2 tags follow your H1 tag and that they precede the H3 tag. However, this is not obligatory and H2 tags can be used throughout the text.
H2 tag: used sharing semantic information that is related to the main title
Since the H2 tag refers directly to the main subject of the article (which is summarized in the title), it will refer to the lexical field relating to it with a greater degree of precision than the subsequent tags (those ranging from H3 to H6). For example, here is are examples of an H1 title and its H2 and H3 tags:
- Main title (H1): How to renovate your bedroom floor ;
- Main subtitles (H2): The best bedroom flooring materials, How much does it cost to redo your bedroom floor? ;
- Other subtitles (H3): 5 tips to maintain your bedroom floor, Should you hire a contractor or install your own bedroom floor?.
The importance of an H2 tag's lexical field
Although the lexical field of H2 tags should be as close as possible to the wording used in an H1 tag, depending of course on the creation of a logical sequence of the main ideas of the text, this obligation is motivated by another factor.
To this end, it should be noted that the order of the tags (H1 to H6) determines the importance attributed to them by search engines with regard to SEO. Thus, the relevance of your H2 tags will have more weight in positioning the page in search results than an H3 or H4 tag. So be sure to optimize your H2 tag before looking at the subsequent tags.
Using keywords in an H2 tag
Of course, the selection of the keywords that will constitute your H2 tag requires special care. In order to make a careful selection, ask yourself what words would have come to mind when you typed in your search on Google.
A little exercise to choose the right keywords
Make a list of ideas, sorting them by subject, and then check what results are displayed on the screen. Do they actually contain the words you have selected or synonyms? This exercise will help you target the keywords that are actually being employed by users and readjust the shot if your initial selection was not optimal.
Beware of redundancy!
It goes without saying that an optimized text must be written whilst taking into consideration how it will be analyzed by search engines. However, a little clarification is needed regarding the overuse of keywords. In this regard, keep in mind that you have to write for your readers and not just for the search engines. Too much repetition of the same terms will be unpleasant to read and will be very redundant. Rely on synonyms, which will allow you to diversify your vocabulary while increasing your chances of reaching a wider audience.
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Karine Dutemple
Blogger at helloDarwin