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Expert Advice
Other Support
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  • Government of Canada
  • Community Futures Manitoba
  • Prairies Economic Development Canada


Get one-on-one business consultation, business plan assistance and loans to help you start or grow your business in rural Manitoba.


The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) supports a range of business activities for individuals with disabilities or health conditions in rural Manitoba.
  • Business Plan Development
  • Business Training
  • Business Coaching
  • Small Business Supports – Digital Marketing or Business Mentorship
  • One to One Business Consultation
  • Business Resources
  • Access to Repayable Loans for Viable Businesses


Launch a digital marketing campaign to promote rural eco-tourism in Neepawa.


Implement a mentorship program for budding entrepreneurs in Carman.


Develop a digital marketing strategy for a local artisan in Winkler.


Create a mentorship program for disabled entrepreneurs in Morden.


Support a digital marketing initiative for a local bakery in Steinbach.


Portage la Prairie
Develop a digital marketing strategy for a community garden in Portage la Prairie.


The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) offers business services to people with disabilities or health conditions who want to start a business in rural Manitoba.
  • Applicants must have a viable business idea.
  • Applicants must have a disability or health condition.
  • Businesses must be located outside of the City of Winnipeg.


The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) supports individuals with disabilities or health conditions who are interested in starting a business in rural Manitoba. Eligible businesses can benefit from various supports, including digital marketing, business mentorship, business plan development, training, coaching, and access to small and medium-sized business loans.
  • Businesses started by individuals with disabilities or health conditions
  • Businesses located in rural Manitoba, outside of Winnipeg
  • Viable business ideas
  • Small or medium-sized businesses


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.
The grant program covers two specific types of support expenses.
  • Digital business marketing
  • Supports from a business mentor


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are rural areas in Manitoba, excluding the City of Winnipeg.
  • Rural Manitoba
  • Areas outside the City of Winnipeg


  • Step 1: Initial Inquiry
  • Contact the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) by phone at 1-888-303-2232 or email at to express your interest and gather initial information.
  • Step 2: Discuss Business Needs
  • Meet with EDP representatives to discuss your business idea and specific needs. This may involve a one-on-one consultation to determine the best support options for you.
  • Step 3: Develop a Business Plan
  • Work on developing a detailed business plan with the assistance of EDP staff. This plan is crucial for assessing the viability of your business idea.
  • Step 4: Access Available Resources
  • Utilize the provided business resources and training opportunities available through the EDP or in the community to strengthen your business fundamentals.
  • Step 5: Apply for Digital Marketing or Business Mentorship Support
  • If eligible, apply for up to $750 in support for digital business marketing or business mentorship. Ensure your business is located outside of the City of Winnipeg and you have a self-declared health condition or disability.
  • Step 6: Explore Repayable Loan Options
  • If your business plan is deemed viable, explore the option of accessing repayable loans through Community Futures organizations, especially if you need additional financial support to start or grow your business.


The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) provides various business services to individuals with disabilities or health conditions in rural Manitoba, assisting them in starting or running a business. This aid includes business plan development, mentorship, and access to repayable loans.
  • Open to anyone with a viable business idea who has a disability or a health condition.
  • Applicants must be located outside of the City of Winnipeg.
  • Provides up to $750 in supports for digital business marketing or business mentorship.
  • One to one business consultation and access to business resources and training are available.
  • Community Futures organizations offer small and medium sized business loans.
  • Contact information: 1-888-303-2232,

Apply to this program