By Amanda Harvey
August 05, 2024

The power of word-of-mouth marketing: how to encourage it!

As channels of dissemination grow and expand, there are more and more ways for people to exchange information. Between messaging apps, video chats, television advertisements and conversations on the radio; most of these channels are technologically mediated.
Of course, it’s important to remember traditional forms of information exchange and that includes the value of tête-a-tête conversation. Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) is an organic way of spreading information that utilizes components of viral marketing.
Spreading information in this natural way works as a free form of promotion and doesn’t necessarily get the recognition it deserves. If you hadn’t considered the value of word-of-mouth marketing, we’re here to explain why it’s an excellent way to generate long-time customers.

The power of word-of-mouth marketing and how to encourage it!

The difference between WOMM and referral marketing

Remember the last time you ate at an amazing restaurant and needed to share the experience with your friends? You might not realize it but the sharing of this information is a form of marketing. Organic information exchanges help to generate a buzz about a business, as these interactions begin to create recognition.
Now, let’s consider the difference between word-of-mouth marketing and referrals. Referral marketing works by targeting a specific person, and gently nudging this person to tell their friends and family about your business. This is connected to word-of-mouth marketing but is much more intentional. This is because the steps you take are much more controlled and can be easily tracked.
This is about creating a personalized marketing campaign in order to create a bond with potential customers, and as a result of this bond they’ll begin referring friends and family. As mentioned, WOMM happens organically and does not consist of the same proactivity.
Traditionally, word-of-mouth marketing was spread from one person to another. In contrast, modern WOMM combines both oral recommendation with minimal targeted efforts and strategies to capitalize on these already existing recommendations. Most of the best marketing strategies already encourage these organic channels, and we’re going to do into a little more detail about why they’re important.

Why is word-of-mouth marketing important?

We’re going to guess that for the most part, you trust the advice of your friends. This is pretty common, as most people will seek the advice of family and loved ones when it comes to making a decision. The same goes for business recommendations, as over 90% of consumers will listen to suggestions from friends and family over any other form of advertising. The essential takeaway here is the personalized endorsement that comes from word-of-mouth marketing, something extremely valuable to the modern consumer.
WOMM will allow you to grow your sales without spending extra money on advertising, helping you to increase your loyal clientele alongside savings. This form of marketing will make your clients more than just customers, instead it will allow you to grow an engaged community of people who stand behind your brand. The more engaged the client, the more often they buy and the more likely they'll recommend you to their friends.

How to make the most of WOMM

As mentioned, modern word-of-mouth marketing happens in two ways: organically and through the use of targeted campaigns. Of course, there are parallels and overlaps between these two channels, and a good strategy will have targeted marketing campaigns leading to an acceleration of organic word-of-mouth information. So, how do you make this happen? Here are some concrete steps to take to develop a well-rounded WOMM campaign!

How to make the most of WOMM

As mentioned, modern word-of-mouth marketing happens in two ways: organically and through the use of targeted campaigns. Of course, there are parallels and overlaps between these two channels, and a good strategy will have targeted marketing campaigns leading to an acceleration of organic word-of-mouth information. So, how do you make this happen? Here are some concrete steps to take to develop a well-rounded WOMM campaign!

1- Define what makes your business unique

The modern customer is looking to invest in something that feels worthwhile, how can you offer something meaningful for them to talk about? It’s important for your customer to feel confident enough in your business for them to recommend it, and this includes what makes our business good, fun or interesting. In general, people are more likely to share content that offers an element of insight or has an educational aspect to it, so try to find the aspects of your company that will reinforce positive values to your customer.

2- Relate to the real world

How you keep your customers interested in talking about you? Find ways to link your services or products to things happening in the real world, and this will keep your business relevant. If people have a way to talk about your offers and relate it to things that they’re already using or doing, this will make person-to-person referrals much easier.

3- Foster a valuable, emotionally driven business

Everyone remembers something amazing, something that touched them and gave them a valuable experience. Is there a way for you to translate this to the ethos of your business? Consumers will talk about the experiences they can’t get out of their heads and find ways to relay it to friends and family as a means to enrich their lives. Having a valuable product or service makes you a valuable business and providing unique or life-altering experiences will help you increase word-of-mouth potential.
Of course, emotions go hand in hand with valuable experience. If your customers are emotionally tied to your products or business, they are much more likely to talk about them. If you consider any online review, the positive ones generally come from an emotionally driven outlook.
Do not underestimate the power of emotion when it comes to keeping loyal customers. In order to get people talking about your business, be passionate about it; this will shine through to your customers!
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About the author

Amanda Harvey

Amanda Harvey

Blogger at helloDarwin

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