By Thèm marketing
April 9, 2024
Marketing 360: the importance of surrounding yourself well
Today, marketing, now 360, is becoming increasingly complex. Copywriting, Web, creativity, it requires a multitude of different expertises. Furthermore, new technologies continue to develop and marketing requires the ability to quickly adapt to new market trends.
Therefore, a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) marketing service must bring together different expertises. Some SMEs do not have the resources to create a marketing team of several individuals and make the mistake of believing that one person will save them money.
However, one person does not have the expertise to implement all actions and will take longer than an expert to deliver lower quality work with a lower return on investment (ROI). This ultimately represents a waste of time and therefore money for the SME. It is important for a company to have the right internal resources to perform primary and recurring tasks and to be able to surround themselves with external experts for less regular and more specialized actions.
But, how can you ensure to choose the right people? Here are a few tips to help you select the best experts for your marketing actions.
3 tips for choosing the best marketing experts
1. Evaluate your marketing needs
Depending on the market you are in and the targeted clients, marketing needs vary. Some SMEs will need to focus on content marketing to reach their target clients, while others will need to prioritize Web marketing. Therefore, it is important to determine the marketing actions you want to implement first in order to identify the expertises you need.
2. Define what you can internalize and what you should outsource
Once the required expertises are defined, it is important to assess your resources to determine what you can internalize. If you need a Web expert for the majority of your marketing actions, it may be better to have an internal resource with that expertise. Conversely, if you need Web expertise for a specific project, it might be better to use an external resource.
3. Choose your experts based on their expertise, not necessarily on the industry they operate in
Everyone thinks it is best to hire someone with experience in the target market. However, a person who is too specialized in an industry will not see things differently, whereas someone from outside the industry will bring a fresh perspective and be more likely to offer a new vision and new ideas.
Find the experts you need on helloDarwin
Remember: having the right experts will make you better, but also save you time and money. There are different platforms that can help you find the appropriate resources based on your needs and your project, such as helloDarwin. With 1964 suppliers under their belt, no doubt you will find highly qualified experts on their platform to meet your mandate requirements. Just go there and follow a simple three-step process: provide a description of your project, discover the best suppliers for it, and compare submissions to find the chosen one!
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Marketing 360
Th èm marketing
Thèm marketing is a marketing agency for SMEs whose mission is to inspire, guide, and provide tools to its clients to boost their growth and help them reach new heights.