Alex Preston Designer
Hi! I’m Alex, brand identity designer for small businesses, start-ups and scale-ups.
Why me? Why not another designer, or a digital marketing agency?
Three reasons:
It’s a tale I hear all too often. My clients are tired of hot-shot branding agencies over-promising, yet under-delivering. Tired of the same old impersonal, distant relationship between agency and client. No multi-hour meetings with dozens of people, no getting bounced around from one designer to another. When you choose to work with me, you get me.
When I work, we work. I adopt an agile and bespoke style with all my clients. I tailor my design to your needs, as a business and as a brand. I immerse myself in your brand, so I can get to know what you’re all about to help you fully realise your vision. Then I design around the brand’s unique traits, setting the foundations in a distinct position.
I understand that trust can only be earned. That’s why I work to build relationships with my clients. I am upfront with pricing, and clear with the value you receive. I’m responsive and quick to adapt to feedback. I won’t leave you on read or bounce emails around five different people.