
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Government of Ontario


Access training programs, advice, trade missions and other resources for Ontario companies that want to start or grow a business through exporting.


There are eligible activities for this grant. Companies can participate in business missions, attend webinars and workshops, and consult with international market consultants. Additionally, they can showcase products and services at trade shows, explore new markets, and take advantage of the Ontario, Canada brand.
  • Participate in business missions to meet potential partners and buyers
  • Attend webinars and workshops tailored to specific industries
  • Consult with international market consultants for personalized export guidance
  • Showcase products and services at virtual trade shows under the Ontario, Canada brand
  • Explore new markets and target specific regions for expansion


Participate in a business mission to Japan to explore new market opportunities.


Attend a workshop and mentoring sessions to enhance export skills.


Attend a webinar series on exporting medical devices to the EU market.


Consult with market experts to develop an export strategy for South America.


Showcase agricultural products at an international trade show in Germany.


Expand to the U.S. market through targeted export strategy and consultations.


For this grant, the eligibility criteria are as follows:
  • Ontario-based companies that are already exporting or have exporting potential
  • Companies looking to identify new international growth opportunities
  • Businesses seeking help in preparing for success in new markets


Eligible types of companies for this grant must be Ontario-based businesses looking to expand internationally through exporting. They can benefit from education programs, business missions, tailored webinars, and personalized consulting services.
  • Ontario-based companies
  • Businesses seeking to expand internationally
  • Companies interested in exporting


Eligible expenses for this grant may include costs related to market research, export strategy development, participation in trade missions, trade show expenses, and consulting fees.
  • Market research
  • Export strategy development
  • Participation in trade missions
  • Trade show expenses
  • Consulting fees


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria include:
  • Company's readiness and commitment to export
  • Potential impact on the Ontario economy
  • Demonstrated capability to succeed in international markets
  • Alignment with target market priorities
  • Evidence of export planning and strategy


  • Step 1: Attend a business mission
  • Participate in curated business meetings with potential partners and buyers
  • Showcase your products and services and pitch your company
  • Learn about new markets
  • Take advantage of the Ontario, Canada brand and be promoted on social media
  • Step 2: Talk to an international market consultant
  • Get free, personalized export consulting
  • Prepare your business for new markets
  • Select target markets and develop market entry strategies
  • Step 3: Subscribe to emails or follow on Twitter/LinkedIn for updates
  • Stay informed about workshops, seminars, and resources
  • Receive dedicated information on growing to global markets


Ontario Export Services

Apply to this program