NGen — Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge Canada

NGen — Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge

The Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge aims to accelerate the adoption of advanced technologies for net-zero emissions in Canadian manufacturing, offering up to $35 million in funding with an additional $65 million sought from industry partners.


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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGEN)


The Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge by NGen will invest up to $35 million from Global Innovation Cluster funding, seeking additional industry investments to total over $100 million in collaborative projects. The program aims to support Canada's path to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by accelerating the application of advanced technologies in manufacturing, focusing on areas such as low carbon energy solutions, carbon capture, and smart manufacturing for efficiency gains. Eligible projects must be transformative, collaborative, applied, and provide enduring benefits to Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem.


Yes, there are several projects and activities eligible for this grant:
  • Low carbon fuel, feedstock, and energy applied to manufacturing.
  • Implementation of net-zero facilities.
  • Innovative solutions for high heat generation applied to manufacturing.
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage applied to manufacturing.
  • Tracking and managing GHG emissions across the supply chain.
  • Smart Manufacturing for efficiency gains and GHG reduction.
  • Greener/circular/sustainable materials.
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduction of energy usage and natural resource consumption.
  • Operational efficiency gains.
  • Waste reduction.
  • Use of recycled and sustainable materials.
  • Full life cycle product management and closed loop manufacturing.
  • Circular manufacturing of materials.


Introduce a net-zero facility model at FutureManufacturing Inc. using renewable energy sources.


Develop and implement a low carbon fuel system for manufacturing processes.


Implement smart manufacturing solutions to achieve GHG emission reductions at GreenTech Industries.


Design and implement a carbon capture system for industrial waste gases at CleanEnergy Co-op.


Establish a closed-loop recycling system for plastic waste at CleanTech Plastics.


Develop a waste reduction initiative through innovative packaging solutions at EcoPackaging Ltd.


To be eligible for this grant, projects must meet NGen's core strategic criteria and pursue specific objectives. Additionally, there are requirements regarding collaboration, transformation, and commercialization timelines.
  • Projects must be collaborative and transformative.
  • Focus areas should include low carbon fuels, net-zero facilities, high heat generation solutions, carbon capture, GHG emissions management, smart manufacturing, and sustainable materials.
  • Projects should aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy usage, and waste, and employ recycled and sustainable materials.
  • Eligible projects must meet NGen's four core strategic criteria: Transformative, Collaborative, Applied, Enduring.
  • All projects must be completed no later than January 31, 2028.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant.
  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations that facilitate and fund research and development on behalf of the ecosystem and whose funding and/or revenue is received primarily from private-sector or industry organizations
  • Non-federal Crown corporations whose funding is from commercial activities
  • Indigenous organizations


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant:
  • Other publicly funded not-for-profit organizations
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Federal Crown Corporations
  • Government departments or agencies
  • International organizations without a registered business presence in Canada


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant:
  • Equipment purchase (linked to the project's R&D capabilities, not for production)
  • Labor (justification required for high rates)
  • Subcontracting (impact on a project must be explained)
  • Materials (linked to proving the advanced sustainable manufacturing capability, not for production)
  • Project administration fee payable to NGen


The evaluation and selection criteria for the NGen Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge Fund involve an assessment process focused on project eligibility, collaboration, transformation, and sustainability impact, among other key aspects. Projects are scored by independent experts based on their responses to ten structured questions, ensuring they align with NGen's strategic objectives and provide significant benefits to the Canadian manufacturing ecosystem.
  • Completion of Application Agreement and compliance certification
  • High-level project description and alignment with advanced manufacturing capabilities
  • Collaborative partnerships involving at least one SME
  • Financial due diligence and assessment of financial strength
  • Evaluation based on responses to ten specific assessment questions
  • Independent expert assessment panels scoring out of 100 marks
  • Projects costing over CAD 10 million undergo a dual-stage assessment including an interview
  • Project plan alignment with timelines, milestones, and estimated costs
  • Risk management plan including a comprehensive risk register
  • Justification for NGen funding and clear financial commitment from partners


  • Step 1: Membership Registration
  • Any company must first become an NGen member. Membership is free and can be done through the website: NGen Membership.
  • Step 2: Contact NGen Project Development Team
  • Reach out to the NGen Project Development team at to validate the eligibility of the project for the fund and to seek support in project development.
  • Step 3: Screening Deadline
  • Complete the Application Agreement and certify compliance with NGen's project requirements.
  • Submit a project summary including purpose, collaboration details, estimated costs, and financial commitment by June 26, 2024, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.
  • Step 4: Project Screening
  • NGen screens all submitted proposals to ensure they meet basic eligibility requirements.
  • Provide detailed description demonstrating the project's alignment with Advanced Manufacturing capabilities and sustainability goals.
  • Certify that the project would not proceed without NGen funding and provide financial due diligence information.
  • Step 5: Final Application Submission
  • Submit a detailed formal application including answers to 10 specific questions with supporting documents (Project Plan, Risk Register, and IP Tables) by September 18, 2024, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.
  • Step 6: Independent Expert Assessment
  • The application will be assessed by an independent expert panel that evaluates and scores based on the provided answers and documentation.
  • Higher budget projects (> Cdn$10 million) will go through a Dual-stage Assessment, and selected applicants may be invited for an interview on October 24-25, 2024.
  • Step 7: Notification of Results
  • Applicants are notified of the assessment results by NGen staff, and feedback is provided for unsuccessful applications.
  • Step 8: Contracting Phase
  • Upon acceptance, complete the contracting phase including the Collaboration Agreement and the Master Project Agreement.
  • Projects are expected to launch by December 2024.
  • Step 9: Project Completion and Reporting
  • All projects must be completed, and claims filed by January 31, 2028.


NGen will provide up to $35 million in funding with a requirement of at least $65 million additional investment from the industry for collaborative projects aimed at improving environmental sustainability in Canadian manufacturing.
  • All projects must be completed by January 31, 2028.
  • Application portal opens on March 25, 2024.
  • Project Screening Deadline: June 26, 2024 (5pm EST).
  • Collaboration Event: May 15, 2024.
  • Project Application Workshop: July 24, 2024.
  • Final Application Deadline: September 18, 2024 (5pm EST).
  • Interviews for dual stage projects (> CAD $10M): October 24-25, 2024.
  • Eligible projects must meet NGen's core strategic criteria: Transformative, Collaborative, Applied, Enduring.
  • The focus should be on approaches such as low carbon technologies, net-zero facilities, carbon capture, and sustainable materials.

Apply to this program