
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMarch 16, 2018
  • grant_single|closingDateFebruary 01, 2023
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)


The Prime-Vert 2018-2023 grant offers financial assistance up to 90% of eligible expenses, with a maximum funding amount of $100,000 per project, aiming to address prioritized environmental issues through collective agroenvironmental projects. Eligible activities include the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices to improve soil health, water management, and biodiversity, among others, in accordance with the region's action plan.


The grant supports collective projects and exploratory trials in the agro-environmental sector. These projects aim to address prioritized environmental challenges through collaborative efforts and testing new agricultural practices.
  • Collective projects encouraging agricultural enterprises to adopt agro-environmental practices.
  • Exploratory trials to test unproven agro-environmental practices in Quebec.
  • Projects addressing agro-environmental issues affecting water and air quality, soil health, biodiversity, or human health.
  • Other collective initiatives targeting specific agro-environmental problems.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
  • The applicant must be a consultant, a legally constituted and recognized agricultural producers' organization, a parapublic or private organization, or a non-profit organization.
  • The applicant must act as the principal project leader for the entire duration of the project's implementation.
  • The applicant must not derive financial gains or advantages from the grouping of purchases or the sale of agricultural inputs or goods and services in the agricultural sector, other than advisory services.


The grant targets projects that address prioritized environmental issues in specific regions, and are evaluated based on several specific criteria to ensure alignment with regional action plans and effectiveness.
  • Importance of the environmental problem, alignment with the environmental issue presented in the regional action plan, and collective reach (20 points).
  • Quality of the approach or methodology (30 points).
  • Expected results and anticipated impacts (20 points).
  • Experience and expertise of the project team (15 points).
  • Feasibility, realism, project cost, and funding (15 points).


This grant primarily targets organizations involved in agro-environmental projects and excludes those not fitting this profile or deriving financial gains outside advisory services in agriculture. Here is a list of some specific restrictions.
  • Organizations that benefit financially from the group purchase or sale of agricultural inputs or goods and services outside advisory services.
  • Organizations whose operations are primarily outside the scope of agro-environmental advisory work.


The grant covers specific expenses directly associated with the implementation and realization of agro-environmental projects.
  • Labor costs related to the project.
  • Fees for consulting and expert services.
  • Travel expenses directly tied to the project, following the limits set by the Conseil du trésor.
  • Rental costs for land, buildings, machinery, or equipment.
  • Cost of materials, tools, inputs, or services rented or purchased for the project.
  • Costs related to communication, advertising, and information dissemination.
  • Administrative fees not exceeding 15% of the total eligible expenses listed above.
  • Additional costs for implementing INSPQ-recommended health guidelines for gatherings, such as sanitary protection equipment and cleaning products.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria, each with allocated point scores, to ensure alignment with the grant's objectives.
  • Importance of the environmental problem, alignment of the project with the environmental issue identified in the regional action plan (PAAR), and collective scope (20 points).
  • Quality of the approach or methodology (30 points).
  • Expected results and anticipated impacts (20 points).
  • Experience and expertise of the project team (15 points).
  • Feasibility, realism, and cost of the project, including financing (15 points).


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Submit the Financial Aid Application
  • Complete and submit the Financial Aid Application Form available on the MAPAQ website.
  • Prepare and submit the Financial Plan detailing all projected expenses.
  • Develop and submit the Work Plan outlining the project's implementation strategy.
  • Optional: Submit any additional supporting documents you consider necessary.
  • Step 2: Project Execution
  • Ensure all publications and knowledge dissemination products are approved by the Ministry before dissemination.
  • Submit interim progress reports using the model provided on the MAPAQ website.
  • Provide interim expense statements using the template provided by MAPAQ.
  • Step 3: Submit Project Deliverables
  • Submit the final report according to the model available on the MAPAQ website.
  • Provide a project summary sheet.
  • Submit a final statement of expenses using the MAPAQ provided template.
  • Include all required supporting documents related to expenses.
  • Provide copies of any publications or knowledge transfer products.
  • Submit all other planned deliverables associated with the project.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Financial aid is provided under specific modalities detailed in the administrative letter agreed upon by the applicant and the Ministry.
  • Disbursement of funds involves an initial payment and subsequent payments based on deliverables, with a final payment upon full project completion and approval of all deliverables.
  • Prior written authorization from the Ministry is required for any cost overruns compared to the initial estimate, supported by detailed justifications.
  • All purchases and services should preferably be sourced from recognized suppliers in Quebec, but exemptions can be requested for justified cases.
  • All reports and communication materials related to the project must receive prior acceptance by the Ministry before their public release.

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