Tax holiday for a new business created to commercialize intellectual property- Canada

Tax holiday for a new business created to commercialize intellectual property

Tax credit for commercialization of intellectual property (IP) in Quebec

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • No Condition
  • Open Date : November 14, 2019
Financing Type
Tax Credits
Eligible Industries
  • All industries
Grant Providers
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation


If you create a new business by commercializing intellectual property stemming from a university or public research center, you could be eligible for a tax holiday for up to 10 years.

Eligibility criteria

This grant provides a tax credit for new companies dedicated to commercializing intellectual property in Quebec. Eligibility criteria include:

  • Company incorporated in Canada after March 19, 2009, and before April 1, 2014.
  • Operation of an eligible commercialization business within twelve months of incorporation.
  • Majority of revenue from eligible commercialization businesses and relevant asset sales.
  • Compliance with specific conditions related to business history and structure.
  • Utilization of available deductions to ensure taxable income reaches zero if needed.
  • Not being a beneficiary of certain trust structures.

Who is eligible

Eligible types of companies for the grant include:

  • Companies incorporated in Canada after March 19, 2009, and before April 1, 2014.
  • Companies actively operating eligible commercialization businesses.
  • Companies deriving the majority of their income from eligible commercialization activities.

Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses for this grant include expenses related to the commercialization of eligible intellectual property, such as manufacturing and selling goods deriving from intellectual property, licensing computer programs, and developing significant technological advancements.

  • Manufacturing and selling goods with intellectual property value
  • Licensing computer programs
  • Developing significant technological advancements

Evaluation & selection criteria

Here is a short summary of the evaluation and selection criteria for the "Congé d'impôt sur le revenu pour une nouvelle société dédiée à la commercialisation d'une propriété intellectuelle" grant:

  • Société admissible ayant été constituée au Canada après le 19 mars 2009 et avant le 1er avril 2014.
  • L'entreprise de commercialisation admissible doit respecter les conditions définies par le Ministère.
  • Les critères spécifiques d'admissibilité sont détaillés dans la Loi concernant les paramètres sectoriels de certaines mesures fiscales.

How to apply

  • Step 1: Submit a request to the Ministry with the necessary documentation to obtain an attestation regarding the eligibility of the commercialization business.
  • Step 2: Once the Ministry issues the attestation, the eligible company must include a copy of the attestation along with the prescribed form from Revenu Québec in their annual tax return to benefit from the tax credit.
  • Step 3: The eligibility of the company for the tax credit, including the admissibility, is subject to verification and acceptance by Revenu Québec.
  • Step 4: Renew the attestation by submitting a request to the Ministry if needed, with the same eligibility criteria applying.

Documents and links

Tax holiday for a new business created to commercialize intellectual property

Apply to this program